We assign a technical rating of 5 out of 10 to ENA. In the past year, ENA was one of the better performing stocks in the market. The medium term picture became unclear, although we see some improvement happening in recent action.
The short term trend is neutral, while the long term trend is still negative. We need to see a little more continued positive action to make this really interesting.
ENA is currently trading in the lower part of its 52 week range. The S&P500 Index however is trading in the upper part of its 52 week range, so ENA is lagging the market.
Considerably lower volume is observed in the last couple of days, which is not what you would like to see during a strong up movement.
In the last month ENA has a been trading in the 0.05 - 0.11 range, which is quite wide. It is currently trading near the high of this range.
Looking at the yearly performance, ENA did better than 88% of all other stocks. However, this overall good ranking is mostly due to the recent strong move.
Prices have been rising strongly lately, it may be a good idea to wait for a consolidation or pullback before considering an entry.