Security Properties

This page lists all security properties which can be used for screening, sorting and displaying with a short description. More in depth information can be found in the Documentation Center.


The symbol or ticker of the security

Display Sorting Expression

The name of the company

Display Sorting Expression
GICS Sector

The name of the GICS Sector of the company

Display Sorting Expression
GICS IndustryGroup

The name of the GICS IndustryGroup of the company

Display Sorting Expression
GICS Industry

The name of the GICS Industry of the company

Display Sorting Expression
GICS SubIndustry

The name of the GICS SubIndustry of the company

Display Sorting Expression
NAICS Sector

The name of the NAICS Sector of the company

Display Sorting Expression
NAICS Subsector

The name of the NAICS Subsector of the company

Display Sorting Expression
NAICS Industry

The name of the GICS Industry of the company

Display Sorting Expression
Last Price

Short name: Price

The Last Price.

Display Sorting Expression
Open Price

Short name: Open

The Open Price.

Display Sorting Expression
High Price

Short name: High

The High Price.

Display Sorting Expression
Low Price

Short name: Low

The Low Price.

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Open Price

Short name: Prev Open

The Open Price on the previous day.

Display Sorting Expression
Previous High Price

Short name: Prev High

The High Price on the previous day.

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Low Price

Short name: Prev Low

The Low Price on the previous day.

Display Sorting Expression
Previous close

Short name: Prev Close

The Close Price on the previous day.

Display Sorting Expression
Open Price(Week)

Short name: Open(Week)

The Open Price on this weeks candle

Display Sorting Expression
High Price(Week)

Short name: High(Week)

The High Price on this weeks candle

Display Sorting Expression
Low Price(Week)

Short name: Low(Week)

The Low Price on this weeks candle.

Display Sorting Expression
Open Price(Previous Week)

Short name: Open(Previous Week)

The Open Price in the previous week.

Display Sorting Expression
High Price(Previous Week)

Short name: High(Previous Week)

The High Price in the previous week

Display Sorting Expression
Low Price(Previous Week)

Short name: Low(Previous Week)

The Low Price in the previous week.

Display Sorting Expression
Close Price(Previous Week)

Short name: Close(Previous Week)

The Close Price in the previous week.

Display Sorting Expression

The volume in the last trading day

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Volume

Short name: Prev Volume

The volume in the previous trading day

Display Sorting Expression
Volume (Premarket)

Short name: Vol (Pre)

The volume in premarket trading

Display Sorting Expression
Volume (After-hours)

Short name: Vol (After)

The volume in after-hours trading

Display Sorting Expression

The volume this week.

Display Sorting Expression
Volume(Previous Week)

Short name: Vol(Previous Week)

The volume in the previous week.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg Volume(50)

Short name: Vol(50)

The average volume per day over the last 50 days

Display Sorting Expression
Avg Volume(5)

Short name: Vol(5)

The average volume per day over the last 5 days

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Avg Volume(50)

Short name: Previous Vol(50)

The previous value of the average volume per day over the last 50 days

Display Sorting Expression
Avg Volume(20), 5 days ago

Short name: Vol(20), 5 days ago

The average volume per day over the last 20 days before the last 5 days

Display Sorting Expression
Volume Increase

Short name: Volume Incr

The volume in the last 5 trading day compared to the previous avarage.

Display Sorting Expression
Max Down Volume(10)

The maximum down volume in the last 10 days

Display Sorting Expression
Pocket Pivots

The number of pocket pivots in the last 5 days.

Display Sorting Expression
Daily Effective Ratio

Short name: DER(1)

The Daily Effective Ratio average in the last day.

Display Sorting Expression
Daily Effective Ratio(3)

Short name: DER(3)

The Daily Effective Ratio average in the last 3 days.

Display Sorting Expression
Daily Effective Ratio(5)

Short name: DER(5)

The Daily Effective Ratio average in the last 5 days.

Display Sorting Expression
Daily Effective Ratio(10)

Short name: DER(10)

The Daily Effective Ratio average in the last 10 days.

Display Sorting Expression
Daily Effective Ratio(20)

Short name: DER(20)

The Daily Effective Ratio average in the last 20 days.

Display Sorting Expression

The large players effective volume (EV) of the last day.

Display Sorting Expression

The small players effective volume (EV) of the last day.

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(10) of the large players effective volume

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(10) of the large players effective volume

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(20) of the large players effective volume

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(20) of the large players effective volume

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Setup Rating

Short name: Setup

The ChartMill Setup Quality Rating. This measures to what extend the stock is showing a Technical Setup pattern.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Technical Rating

Short name: TA

The ChartMill Technical Rating. This is a measure for the overall Technical Qualities of the stock

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Fundamental Rating

Short name: FA

The ChartMill Fundamental Rating. This measures the overall Fundamental Quality of the stock.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill High Growth Momentum Rating

Short name: HGM

The ChartMill High Growth Momentum Rating, measuring earnings momentum

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Growth Rating

Short name: Growth

The ChartMill Fundamental Rating. This measures the Fundamental Growth Quality of the stock.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Health Rating

Short name: Health

The ChartMill Fundamental Rating. This measures the overall Financial Health Quality of the stock.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Profitability Rating

Short name: Profitability

The ChartMill Fundamental Rating. This measures the overall Fundamental Profitability Quality of the stock.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Valuation Rating

Short name: Valuation

The ChartMill Fundamental Rating. This measures the overall Fundamental Valuation Quality of the stock.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Dividend Rating

Short name: Dividend

The ChartMill Fundamental Rating. This measures the overall Fundamental Dividend Quality of the stock.

Display Sorting Expression
Setup Buy Stop Entry.

Short name: Entry

The buy stop entry point from the possible trade in the technical report.

Display Sorting Expression
Setup Sell Stop Exit.

Short name: Exit

The sell stop exit point from the possible trade in the technical report.

Display Sorting Expression
Entry-Exit Distance.

Short name: Distance

The distance between the entry and exit point from the possible trade in the technical report.

Display Sorting Expression
% Change (Premarket)

Short name: % Chg (Pre)

The Pre Market Percentage Change Today.

Display Sorting Expression
% Change (After-hours)

Short name: % Chg (After)

The After Market Percentage Change Today.

Display Sorting Expression
Change (Premarket)

Short name: Chg (Pre)

The Pre Market Change Today.

Display Sorting Expression
Change (After-Hours)

Short name: Chg (After)

The After Market Change Today.

Display Sorting Expression
Price (Premarket)

Short name: Price (Pre)

The Pre Market Price.

Display Sorting Expression
Price (After-Hours)

Short name: Price (After)

The After Market Price.

Display Sorting Expression
1 Week Performance

Short name: 1 Week

The Performance of the stock in the last week

Display Sorting Expression
2 Week Performance

Short name: 2 Weeks

The Performance of the stock in the last 2 weeks

Display Sorting Expression
1 Month Performance

Short name: 1 Month

The Performance of the stock in the last month

Display Sorting Expression
3 Month Performance

Short name: 3 Month

The Performance of the stock in the last 3 months

Display Sorting Expression
6 Month Performance

Short name: 6 Month

The Performance of the stock in the last 6 months

Display Sorting Expression
12 Month Performance

Short name: 12 Month

The Performance of the stock in the last 12 months

Display Sorting Expression
2 Year Performance

Short name: 2 Year

The Performance of the stock in the last 2 Years

Display Sorting Expression
3 Year Performance

Short name: 3 Year

The Performance of the stock in the last 3 Years

Display Sorting Expression
5 Year Performance

Short name: 5 Year

The Performance of the stock in the last 5 Years

Display Sorting Expression
10 Year Performance

Short name: 10 Year

The Performance of the stock in the last 10 Years

Display Sorting Expression
15 Year Performance

Short name: 15 Year

The Performance of the stock in the last 15 Years

Display Sorting Expression
2 Year CAGR Performance

Short name: 2Y CAGR

The CAGR Performance of the stock in the last 2 Years

Display Sorting Expression
3 Year CAGR Performance

Short name: 3Y CAGR

The CAGR Performance of the stock in the last 3 Years

Display Sorting Expression
5 Year CAGR Performance

Short name: 5Y CAGR

The CAGR Performance of the stock in the last 5 Years

Display Sorting Expression
10 Year CAGR Performance

Short name: 10Y CAGR

The CAGR Performance of the stock in the last 10 Years

Display Sorting Expression
15 Year CAGR Performance

Short name: 15Y CAGR

The CAGR Performance of the stock in the last 15 Years

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Relative Strength

Short name: CRS

The ChartMill Relative Strength.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill RS 52 Week High

Short name: CRS 52 Week High

The 52 Week high of the ChartMill Relative Strength.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill RS 52 Week Low

Short name: CRS 52 Week Low

The 52 Week Low of the ChartMill Relative Strength.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill RS 13 Week High

Short name: CRS 13 Week High

The 13 Week high of the ChartMill Relative Strength.

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill RS 13 Week Low

Short name: CRS 13 Week Low

The 13 Week Low of the ChartMill Relative Strength.

Display Sorting Expression
Chartmill Value Indicator

Short name: Chartmill Value

The Chartmill Value Indicator indicates whether stocks are cheap or expensive. A negative Chartmill Value indicates a cheap stock, while positive number indicate expensive stocks.

Display Sorting Expression
Mansfield Relative Strength

Short name: Mansfield

The Mansfield Relative Strength.

Display Sorting Expression
% Change

Short name: % Chg

The Percentage Change Today or in the last trading day.

Display Sorting Expression

Short name: Chg

The Change Today or in the last trading day.

Display Sorting Expression
% Change From Open

Short name: % Chg From Open

The Percentage Change Today or in the last trading day, measured from the open price.

Display Sorting Expression

The Change Today or in the last trading day in absolute value and percent.

Display Sorting Expression
Average True Range(14)

Short name: ATR(14)

The Average True Range measured over 14 days.

Display Sorting Expression
Average True Range(20) as percentage

Short name: ATR(20)%

The Average True Range measured over 20 days, expressed as a percentage

Display Sorting Expression
Average True Range Increase

Short name: ATR Inc

The Recent Average True Range (2 days) compared to the ATR of the 14 days before

Display Sorting Expression
Range Today

The Range of Trading on the last trading day.

Display Sorting Expression
Average Daily Range(20)

Short name: ADR(20)

The Average Daily Range measured over 20 days.

Display Sorting Expression
Average Daily Range(20) as percentage

Short name: ADR(20)%

The Average Daily Range measured over 20 days, expressed as a percentage

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Long Term Trend

Short name: LT Trend

The ChartMill Long Term Technical trend

Display Sorting Expression
ChartMill Short Term Trend

Short name: ST Trend

The short term technical trend

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(50)

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(20)

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(10)

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(5)

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(100)

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(150)

Display Sorting Expression

The direction of the SMA(200)

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly EMA 13

Short name: EMA(13 Weeks)

The direction of the 13 week exponential moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly EMA 26

Short name: EMA(26 Weeks)

The direction of the 26 week exponential moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly SMA 30

Short name: SMA(30 Weeks)

The direction of the 30 week simple moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly SMA 40

Short name: SMA(40 Weeks)

The direction of the 40 week simple moving average

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(5)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous SMA(5)

The Previous value of the SMA(5)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(10)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous SMA(10)

The Previous value of the SMA(10)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(20)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous SMA(20)

The Previous value of the SMA(20)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(50)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous SMA(50)

The Previous value of the SMA(50)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(100)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous SMA(100)

The Previous value of the SMA(100)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(150)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous SMA(150)

The Previous value of the SMA(150)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the SMA(200)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous SMA(200)

The Previous value of the SMA(200)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the EMA(12)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous EMA(12)

The Previous value of the EMA(12)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the EMA(26)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous EMA(26)

The Previous value of the EMA(26)

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly EMA 13

Short name: EMA(13 Weeks)

The value of the 13 week exponential moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weekly EMA 13

Short name: Previous EMA(13 Weeks)

The Previous value of the 13 week exponential moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly EMA 26

Short name: EMA(26 Weeks)

The value of the 26 week exponential moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weekly EMA 26

Short name: Previous EMA(26 Weeks)

The Previous value of the 26 week exponential moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly SMA 30

Short name: SMA(30 Weeks)

The value of the 30 week simple moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weekly SMA 30

Short name: Previous SMA(30 Weeks)

The Previous value of the 30 week simple moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly SMA 40

Short name: SMA(40 Weeks)

The value of the 40 week simple moving average

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weekly SMA 40

Short name: Previous SMA(40 Weeks)

The Previous value of the 40 week simple moving average

Display Sorting Expression
5 Day High

The high of the last 5 days

Display Sorting Expression
5 Day Low

The low of the last 5 days

Display Sorting Expression
10 Day High

The high of the last 10 days

Display Sorting Expression
10 Day Low

The low of the last 10 days

Display Sorting Expression
20 Day High

The high of the last 20 days

Display Sorting Expression
20 Day Low

The low of the last 20 days

Display Sorting Expression
52 Week High

The high of the last 52 weeks

Display Sorting Expression
52 Week Low

The low of the last 52 weeks

Display Sorting Expression
13 Week High

The high of the last 13 weeks

Display Sorting Expression
13 Week Low

The low of the last 13 weeks

Display Sorting Expression
26 Week High

The high of the last 26 weeks

Display Sorting Expression
26 Week Low

The low of the last 26 weeks

Display Sorting Expression
Resistance R1.

Short name: R1

The nearest Trendline Resistance. A point where resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Resistance R1 Length.

Short name: R1 Length

The length of the nearest Trendline Resistance.

Display Sorting Expression
Resistance R1 Strength.

Short name: R1 Strength

The strength of the nearest Trendline Resistance. Indicates how strong the trendline is.

Display Sorting Expression
Support S1.

Short name: S1

The nearest Trendline Support. A point where support may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Support S1 Length.

Short name: S1 Length

The length of the nearest Trendline Support.

Display Sorting Expression
Support S1 Strength.

Short name: S1 Strength

The strength of the nearest Trendline Support. Indicates how strong the trendline is.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizontal Resistance HR1.

Short name: HR1

The nearest Horizontal Resistance. A point where resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizontal Resistance HR1 Length.

Short name: HR1 Length

The length of the nearest Horizontal Resistance.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizontal Resistance HR1 Strength.

Short name: HR1 Strength

The strength of the nearest Horizontal Resistance. Indicates how strong the resistance line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizontal Support HS1.

Short name: HS1

The nearest Horizontal Support. A point where support may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizontal Support HS1 Length.

Short name: HS1 Length

The length of the nearest Horizontal Support.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizontal Support HS1 Strength.

Short name: HR1 Strength

The strength of the nearest Horizontal Support. Indicates how strong the support line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizintal S/R HSR1.

Short name: HSR1

The nearest horizintal Support or Restistance line. A point where support or resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizintal S/R HSR1 Length.

Short name: HSR1 Length

The length of the nearest horizintal Support or Restistance line.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizintal S/R HSR1 Strength.

Short name: HSR1 Strength

The strength of the nearest horizintal Support or Restistance line. Indicates how strong the line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizintal S/R HSR2.

Short name: HSR2

The second nearest horizintal Support or Restistance line. A point where support or resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizintal S/R HSR2 Length.

Short name: HSR2 Length

The length of the second nearest horizintal Support or Restistance line.

Display Sorting Expression
Horizintal S/R HSR2 Strength.

Short name: HSR2 Strength

The strength of the second nearest horizintal Support or Restistance line. Indicates how strong the line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Upper ChartMill Channel.

Short name: UCC

The Upper ChartMill Channel. A point where resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Upper ChartMill Channel Length.

Short name: UCC Length

The length of the Upper ChartMill Channel.

Display Sorting Expression
Upper ChartMill Channel Strength.

Short name: UCC Strength

The strength of the Upper ChartMill Channel. Indicates how strong the upper channel line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Lower ChartMill Channel.

Short name: LCC

The Lower ChartMill Channel. A point where support may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Lower ChartMill Channel Length.

Short name: LCC Length

The length of the Lower ChartMill Channel.

Display Sorting Expression
Lower ChartMill Channel Strength.

Short name: LCC Strength

The strength of the Lower ChartMill Channel. Indicates how strong the lower channel line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Resistance WR1.

Short name: WR1

The nearest weekly Trendline Resistance. A point where resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Resistance WR1 Length.

Short name: WR1 Length

The length of the nearest weekly Trendline Resistance.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Resistance WR1 Strength.

Short name: WR1 Strength

The strength of the nearest weekly Trendline Resistance. Indicates how strong the trendline is.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Support WS1.

Short name: WS1

The nearest weekly Trendline Support. A point where support may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Support WS1 Length.

Short name: WS1 Length

The length of the nearest weekly Trendline Support.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Support WS1 Strength.

Short name: WS1 Strength

The strength of the nearest weekly Trendline Support. Indicates how strong the trendline is.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizontal Resistance WHR1.

Short name: WHR1

The nearest Weekly Horizontal Resistance. A point where resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizontal Resistance WHR1 Length.

Short name: WHR1 Length

The length of the nearest Weekly Horizontal Resistance.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizontal Resistance WHR1 Strength.

Short name: WHR1 Strength

The strength of the nearest Weekly Horizontal Resistance. Indicates how strong the resistance line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizontal Support WHS1.

Short name: WHS1

The nearest Weekly Horizontal Support. A point where support may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizontal Support WHS1 Length.

Short name: WHS1 Length

The length of the nearest Weekly Horizontal Support.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizontal Support WHS1 Strength.

Short name: WHS1 Strength

The strength of the nearest Weekly Horizontal Support. Indicates how strong the support line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizintal S/R WHSR1.

Short name: WHSR1

The nearest weekly horizintal Support or Restistance line. A point where support or resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizintal S/R WHSR1 Length.

Short name: WHSR1 Length

The length of the nearest weekly horizintal Support or Restistance line.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizintal S/R WHSR1 Strength.

Short name: WHSR1 Strength

The strength of the nearest weekly horizintal Support or Restistance line. Indicates how strong the line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizintal S/R WHSR2.

Short name: WHSR2

The second nearest weekly horizintal Support or Restistance line. A point where support or resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizintal S/R WHSR2 Length.

Short name: WHSR2 Length

The length of the second nearest weekly horizintal Support or Restistance line.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Horizintal S/R WHSR2 Strength.

Short name: WHSR2 Strength

The strength of the second nearest weekly horizintal Support or Restistance line. Indicates how strong the line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Upper ChartMill Channel.

Short name: WUCC

The Weekly Upper ChartMill Channel. A point where resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Upper ChartMill Channel Length.

Short name: WUCC Length

The length of the Weekly Upper ChartMill Channel.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Upper ChartMill Channel Strength.

Short name: WUCC Strength

The strength of the Weekly Upper ChartMill Channel. Indicates how strong the upper channel line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Lower ChartMill Channel.

Short name: WLCC

The Weekly Lower ChartMill Channel. A point where support may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Lower ChartMill Channel Length.

Short name: WLCC Length

The length of the Weekly Lower ChartMill Channel.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Lower ChartMill Channel Strength.

Short name: WLCC Strength

The strength of the Weekly Lower ChartMill Channel. Indicates how strong the lower channel line is.

Display Sorting Expression
Start of Consolidated Support CS1.

Short name: CS1 Start

The start nearest consolidated support zone. A point where support may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
End of Consolidated Support CS1.

Short name: CS1 End

The end of the nearest consolidated support zone. A point where support may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Consolidated Support CS1 Strength.

Short name: CS1 Strength

The strength of the nearest consolidated support zone. Indicates how strong the zone is.

Display Sorting Expression
Start of Consolidated Resistance CR1.

Short name: CR1 Start

The start nearest consolidated resistance zone. A point where resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
End of Consolidated Resistance CR1.

Short name: CR1 End

The end of the nearest consolidated resistance zone. A point where resistance may be expected.

Display Sorting Expression
Consolidated Resistance CR1 Strength.

Short name: CR1 Strength

The strength of the nearest resistance support zone. Indicates how strong the zone is.

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the RSI(14)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous RSI(14)

The Previous value of the RSI(14)

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the RSI(2)

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly RSI(14)

The value of the RSI(14) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weekly RSI(14)

The Previous value of the RSI(14) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly RSI(2)

The value of the RSI(2) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression
Lower BB RSI(14)

The value of the lower bollinger band of the RSI(14).

Display Sorting Expression
Upper BB RSI(14)

The value of the upper bollinger band of the RSI(14).

Display Sorting Expression
Lower BB WRSI(14)

The value of the lower bollinger band of the weekly RSI(14).

Display Sorting Expression
Upper BB WRSI(14)

The value of the upper bollinger band of the weekly RSI(14).

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the MACD(12,26,9)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous MACD(12,26,9)

The previous value of the MACD(12,26,9)

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly MACD(12,26,9)

The value of the MACD(12,26,9) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weekly MACD(12,26,9)

The Previous value of the MACD(12,26,9) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the ADX(14)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous ADX(14)

The previous value of the ADX(14)

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly ADX(14)

The value of the ADX(14) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weekly ADX(14))

The Previous value of the ADX(14) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression

Short name: Stochastics

The value of the Stochastics(14,3)

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Stochastics(14,3)

Short name: Previous Stochastics

The Previous value of the Stochastics(14,3)

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Stochastics(14,3)

Short name: Weekly Stochastics

The value of the Stochastics(14,3) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weekly Stochastics(14,3)

Short name: Previous Weekly Stochastics

The Previous value of the Stochastics(14,3) on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression
Aroon(25) down

Short name: Aroon down

The value of the Aroon(25) down

Display Sorting Expression
Aroon(25) up

Short name: Aroon up

The value of the Aroon(25) up

Display Sorting Expression

The beta value. A measure of the volatility of a security in comparison to the volatility of the market. A beta of 0 means no correlation with the market.A negative beta value indicates an inverse correlation, while a positive beta means a high correlation

Display Sorting Expression

The value of the Force Index(14), as developed by Alexander Elder

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Force(14)

The Previous value of the Force Index(14), as developed by Alexander Elder

Display Sorting Expression
Chartmill Bear Indicator

Short name: Chartmill Bear

The Chartmill Bear Indicator spots bearish divergencies in a stock.

Display Sorting Expression
Chartmill Bull Indicator

Short name: Chartmill Bull

The Chartmill Bull Indicator spots bullish divergencies in a stock.

Display Sorting Expression
Lower Bollinger Band

Short name: LBB

The value of the Lower Band of the Bollinger bands indicator.

Display Sorting Expression
Upper Bollinger Band

Short name: UBB

The value of the Upper Band of the Bollinger bands indicator.

Display Sorting Expression
Trend Intensity

Short name: TI

The Trend Intensity measures the strength of a trend.

Display Sorting Expression
Weinstein Stage

Short name: WS

The current weinstein stage number

Display Sorting Expression
Weinstein Stage Length

Short name: WS Length

The current weinstein stage number

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Weinstein Stage

Short name: Previous WS

The current weinstein stage number in the previous week.

Display Sorting Expression
Flag Type

Indicates the type of the flag. 0 is a bull flag, 1 is a bull pennant

Display Sorting Expression
Flag Pole

The size of the flags pole in percentage. For a Bull Flag this is the distance from the lowest point before the start of the flag to the top op the flag.

Display Sorting Expression
Flag Length

The length in days of the flag pattern, measured from the start of the flag formation.

Display Sorting Expression
Flag Width

The width in percent of the flag pattern, measured from the start of the flag formation.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Flag Type

Indicates the type of the weekly flag. 0 is a bull flag, 1 is a bull pennant

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Flag Pole

The size of the weekly flags pole in percentage. For a Bull Flag this is the distance from the lowest point before the start of the flag to the top op the flag.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Flag Length

The length in weeks of the flag pattern, measured from the start of the flag formation.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Flag Width

The width in percent of the weekly flag pattern. The Width of the flag is the width in percentage between the highest and lowest point inside the flag.

Display Sorting Expression
CM Squeeze Play Setup

Short name: CM Squeeze

Indicates whether this stock is in ChartMill Squeeze Play Setup mode

Display Sorting Expression
Near Squeeze Play Setup

Short name: Near Squeeze

Indicates whether this stock is near Squeeze Play Setup mode

Display Sorting Expression
Squeeze Play Setup

Short name: Squeeze

Indicates whether this stock is in the original Squeeze Play Setup mode, as defined by John Carter

Display Sorting Expression
Squeeze Play Setup Long

Short name: Squeeze Long

Indicates whether this stock is in Long Squeeze Play Setup mode, because of a positive momentum

Display Sorting Expression
Squeeze Play Setup Short

Short name: Squeeze Short

Indicates whether this stock is in Short Squeeze Play Setup mode, because of a negative momentum

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Squeeze Play Setup

Short name: Squeeze Week

Indicates whether this stock is in Squeeze Play Setup mode on the weekly chart

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Squeeze Play Setup Long

Short name: Squeeze Week Long

Indicates whether this stock is in Long Squeeze Play Setup mode on the weekly chart, because of a positive momentum

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Squeeze Play Setup Short

Short name: Squeeze Week Short

Indicates whether this stock is in Short Squeeze Play Setup mode on the weekly chart, because of a negative momentum

Display Sorting Expression
Bull Flag

Indicates whether this stock shows a bull flag or pennant at the moment

Display Sorting Expression
Bear Flag

Indicates whether this stock shows a bear flag or pennant at the moment

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Bull Flag

Indicates whether this stock shows a bull flag or pennant at the moment on the weekly chart.

Display Sorting Expression
Weekly Bear Flag

Indicates whether this stock shows a bear flag or pennant at the moment on the weekly chart.

Display Sorting Expression
Bullish Engulfing Daily

Short name: Bullish Engulfing (D)

Indicates whether there is a Bullish Engulfing Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bullish Hammer Daily

Short name: Bullish Hammer (D)

Indicates whether there is a Bullish Hammer Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bearish Inverted Hammer Daily

Short name: Bearish Inverted Hammer (D)

Indicates whether there is a Bearish Inverted Hammer Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Hanging Man Daily

Short name: Hanging Man (D)

Indicates whether there is a Hanging Man Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bullish Harami Daily

Short name: Bullish Harami (D)

Indicates whether there is a Bullish Harami Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Doji Daily

Short name: Doji (D)

Indicates whether there is a Doji Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Gravestone Doji Daily

Short name: Gravestone Doji (D)

Indicates whether there is a Gravestone Doji Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
DragonFly Doji Daily

Short name: DragonFly Doji (D)

Indicates whether there is a DragonFly Doji Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bearish Engulfing Daily

Short name: Bearish Engulfing (D)

Indicates whether there is a Bearish Engulfing Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bearish Shooting Star Daily

Short name: Bearish Shooting Star (D)

Indicates whether there is a Bearish Shooting Star Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bearish Harami Daily

Short name: Bearish Harami (D)

Indicates whether there is a Bearish Harami Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Inside Bar Daily

Short name: Inside Bar (D)

Indicates whether there is an Inside Bar Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Red Dog Reversal Down Daily

Short name: Red Dog Reversal Down (D)

Indicates whether there is a Red Dog Reversal Down Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Red Dog Reversal Up Daily

Short name: Red Dog Reversal Up (D)

Indicates whether there is a Red Dog Reversal Up Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Dark Cloud Cover Daily

Short name: Dark Cloud Cover (D)

Indicates whether there is a Dark Cloud Cover Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bullish Engulfing Weekly

Short name: Bullish Engulfing (W)

Indicates whether there is a Bullish Engulfing Pattern on the weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bullish Hammer Weekly

Short name: Bullish Hammer (W)

Indicates whether there is a Bullish Hammer Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bearish Inverted Hammer Weekly

Short name: Bearish Inverted Hammer (W)

Indicates whether there is a Bearish Inverted Hammer Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Hanging Man Weekly

Short name: Hanging Man (W)

Indicates whether there is a Hanging Man Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bullish Harami Weekly

Short name: Bullish Harami (W)

Indicates whether there is a Bullish Harami Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Doji Weekly

Short name: Doji (W)

Indicates whether there is a Doji Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Gravestone Doji Weekly

Short name: Gravestone Doji (W)

Indicates whether there is a Gravestone Doji Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
DragonFly Doji Weekly

Short name: DragonFly Doji (W)

Indicates whether there is a DragonFly Doji Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bearish Engulfing Weekly

Short name: Bearish Engulfing (W)

Indicates whether there is a Bearish Engulfing Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bearish Shooting Star Weekly

Short name: Bearish Shooting Star (W)

Indicates whether there is a Bearish Shooting Star Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Bearish Harami Weekly

Short name: Bearish Harami (W)

Indicates whether there is a Bearish Harami Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Inside Bar Weekly

Short name: Inside Bar (W)

Indicates whether there is an Inside Bar Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Dark Cloud Cover Weekly

Short name: Dark Cloud Cover (W)

Indicates whether there is a Dark Cloud Cover Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Ascending Triangle Daily

Short name: Ascending Triangle (D)

Indicates whether there is an Ascending Triangle Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Descending Triangle Daily

Short name: Descending Triangle (D)

Indicates whether there is a Descending Triangle Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Symmetrical Triangle Daily

Short name: Symmetrical Triangle (D)

Indicates whether there is a Symmetrical Triangle Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Channel Daily

Short name: Channel (D)

Indicates whether there is a Channel Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Channel Up Daily

Short name: Channel Up (D)

Indicates whether there is a Channel Up Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Channel Down Daily

Short name: Channel Down (D)

Indicates whether there is a Channel Down Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Rising Wedge Daily

Short name: Rising Wedge (D)

Indicates whether there is a Rising Wedge Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Falling Wedge Daily

Short name: Falling Wedge (D)

Indicates whether there is a Falling Wedge Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Double Bottom Daily

Short name: Double Bottom (D)

Indicates whether there is a Double Bottom Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Multiple Bottom Daily

Short name: Multiple Bottom (D)

Indicates whether there is a Multiple Bottom Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Double Top Daily

Short name: Double Top (D)

Indicates whether there is a Double Top Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Multiple Top Daily

Short name: Multiple Top (D)

Indicates whether there is a Multiple Top Pattern on the daily charts

Display Sorting Expression
Channel Weekly

Short name: Channel (W)

Indicates whether there is a Channel Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Double Bottom Weekly

Short name: Double Bottom (W)

Indicates whether there is a Double Bottom Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Multiple Bottom Weekly

Short name: Multiple Bottom (W)

Indicates whether there is a Multiple Bottom Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Double Top Weekly

Short name: Double Top (W)

Indicates whether there is a Double Top Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Multiple Top Weekly

Short name: Multiple Top (W)

Indicates whether there is a Multiple Top Pattern on the Weekly charts

Display Sorting Expression
Number Of Analysts

Short name: #Analysts

The number of analysts analyzing the security in the most recent period.

Display Sorting Expression
Analyst Ratings Percentage

Short name: Analysts

The Buy Consensus among analysts expressed as a percentage. 100% means all analysts issued a strong buy.

Display Sorting Expression
Previous Analyst Ratings Percentage

Short name: Previous Analysts

The Buy Consensus among analysts in the previous month, expressed as a percentage. 100% means all analysts issued a strong buy.

Display Sorting Expression
Analyst Mean Price Target

Short name: Price Target

The Mean Price Target from analysts.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Estimate beats(2)

Short name: EPS beat(2)

Number of EPS Estimate beats in last 2 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg EPS Estimate beat(2)

Short name: Avg EPS beat(2)

Average EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 2 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Min EPS Estimate beat(2)

Short name: Min EPS beat(2)

Minimum EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 2 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Max EPS Estimate beat(2)

Short name: Max EPS beat(2)

Maximum EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 2 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue Estimate beats(2)

Short name: Revenue beat(2)

Number of Revenue Estimate beats in last 2 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg Revenue Estimate beat(2)

Short name: Avg Revenue beat(2)

Average Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 2 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Min Revenue Estimate beat(2)

Short name: Min Revenue beat(2)

Minimum Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 2 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Max Revenue Estimate beat(2)

Short name: Max Revenue beat(2)

Maximum Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 2 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Estimate beats(4)

Short name: EPS beat(4)

Number of EPS Estimate beats in last 4 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg EPS Estimate beat(4)

Short name: Avg EPS beat(4)

Average EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 4 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Min EPS Estimate beat(4)

Short name: Min EPS beat(4)

Minimum EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 4 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Max EPS Estimate beat(4)

Short name: Max EPS beat(4)

Maximum EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 4 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue Estimate beats(4)

Short name: Revenue beat(4)

Number of Revenue Estimate beats in last 4 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg Revenue Estimate beat(4)

Short name: Avg Revenue beat(4)

Average Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 4 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Min Revenue Estimate beat(4)

Short name: Min Revenue beat(4)

Minimum Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 4 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Max Revenue Estimate beat(4)

Short name: Max Revenue beat(4)

Maximum Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 4 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Estimate beats(8)

Short name: EPS beat(8)

Number of EPS Estimate beats in last 8 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg EPS Estimate beat(8)

Short name: Avg EPS beat(8)

Average EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 8 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue Estimate beats(8)

Short name: Revenue beat(8)

Number of Revenue Estimate beats in last 8 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg Revenue Estimate beat(8)

Short name: Avg Revenue beat(8)

Average Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 8 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Estimate beats(12)

Short name: EPS beat(12)

Number of EPS Estimate beats in last 12 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg EPS Estimate beat(12)

Short name: Avg EPS beat(12)

Average EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 12 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue Estimate beats(12)

Short name: Revenue beat(12)

Number of Revenue Estimate beats in last 12 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg Revenue Estimate beat(12)

Short name: Avg Revenue beat(12)

Average Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 12 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Estimate beats(16)

Short name: EPS beat(16)

Number of EPS Estimate beats in last 16 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg EPS Estimate beat(16)

Short name: Avg EPS beat(16)

Average EPS Estimate beat percentage over last 16 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue Estimate beats(16)

Short name: Revenue beat(16)

Number of Revenue Estimate beats in last 16 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg Revenue Estimate beat(16)

Short name: Avg Revenue beat(16)

Average Revenue Estimate beat percentage over last 16 quarters.

Display Sorting Expression
Price target revision (1m)

Short name: PT rev (1m)

The percentage change of the average price target by analysts in the last month.

Display Sorting Expression
Price target revision (3m)

Short name: PT rev (3m)

The percentage change of the average price target by analysts in the last 3 months.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Next Q revision (1m)

Short name: EPS NQ rev (1m)

The percentage change of the average next Quarter EPS Estimate by analysts in the last month.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Next Q revision (3m)

Short name: EPS NQ rev (3m)

The percentage change of the average next Quarter EPS Estimate by analysts in the last 3 months.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Next Y revision (1m)

Short name: EPS NY rev (1m)

The percentage change of the average next Year EPS Estimate by analysts in the last month.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS Next Y revision (3m)

Short name: EPS NY rev (3m)

The percentage change of the average next Year EPS Estimate by analysts in the last 3 months.

Display Sorting Expression
Rev Next Q revision (1m)

Short name: Revenue NQ rev (1m)

The percentage change of the average next Quarter Revenue Estimate by analysts in the last month.

Display Sorting Expression
Rev Next Q revision (3m)

Short name: Revenue NQ rev (3m)

The percentage change of the average next Quarter Revenue Estimate by analysts in the last 3 months.

Display Sorting Expression
Rev Next Y revision (1m)

Short name: Revenue NY rev (1m)

The percentage change of the average next Year Revenue Estimate by analysts in the last month.

Display Sorting Expression
Rev Next Y revision (3m)

Short name: Revenue NY rev (3m)

The percentage change of the average next Year Revenue Estimate by analysts in the last 3 months.

Display Sorting Expression
Earnings (Last)

The Last earnings release date.

Display Sorting Expression
Earnings (Next)

The next earnings release date.

Display Sorting Expression

The IPO date.

Display Sorting Expression
Owners (insider)

Short name: Ins Owners

The percentage of insider shareholders.

Display Sorting Expression
Owners (institutional)

Short name: Inst Owners

The percentage of institutional shareholders.

Display Sorting Expression
Shares Outstanding

Short name: Shares

The number of shares outstanding.

Display Sorting Expression
Shares Outstanding 3Y Change

Short name: Shares 3Y Change

The percentage difference of shares outstanding between now and 3 years ago.

Display Sorting Expression
Shares Outstanding 5Y Change

Short name: Shares 5Y Change

The percentage difference of shares outstanding between now and 5 years ago.

Display Sorting Expression
Shares Outstanding 10Y Change

Short name: Shares 10Y Change

The percentage difference of shares outstanding between now and 3 years ago.

Display Sorting Expression
Insider Buy 3 months

Short name: Ins Buy 3m

The amount of insider buy transaction in the last 3 months.

Display Sorting Expression
Insider Buy 12 months

Short name: Ins Buy 12m

The amount of insider buy transaction in the last 12 months.

Display Sorting Expression

The float or the number of shares available for trading.

Display Sorting Expression
Owners (institutional) change

Short name: Inst Owner Change

The change in institutional owners measured over the last 3 months

Display Sorting Expression
Owners (insider) change

Short name: Ins Owner Change

The change in insider owners measured over the last 6 months

Display Sorting Expression
Market Cap

The market capitalisation of the company.

Display Sorting Expression
Short Interest Change Percent

Short name: Short Change %

The change in short interest in the latest report compared to the previous report.

Display Sorting Expression
Short Ratio: Short Interest Days To Cover

Short name: Short Ratio

The number of days it would take to cover the Short Interest assuming the full average daily volume is used

Display Sorting Expression
Float Short Interest Float

Short name: Short Float %

The short interest expresses as a percentage of the float.

Display Sorting Expression
Earnings per Share (TTM)

Short name: EPS(TTM)

The Earnings per Share (TTM) number of the company, the non-GAAP reported earnings number per share over the most recent 12 month period.

Display Sorting Expression

Short name: PE

The price/earnings ratio of the company, comparing the current price to the earnings per share (non-GAAP TTM).

Display Sorting Expression
Earnings Yield

Short name: EY

The Earnings Yield percentage of the company, comparing the earnings per share(TTM) to the current price, expressed as a percentage.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Earnings Industry Rank

Short name: PE-Irank

The price/earnings industry rank of the company, comparing the PE(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Earnings Sector Rank

Short name: PE-Srank

The price/earnings sector rank of the company, comparing the PE(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

Display Sorting Expression
Forward Earnings per Share

Short name: EPS(NY)

The Forward Earnings per Share number of the company, the non-GAAP estimated number for the next fiscal year.

Display Sorting Expression
Forward Price/Earnings

Short name: Fwd PE

The forward price/earnings ratio of the company, comparing the current price to the earnings per share estimates for the next year.

Display Sorting Expression
Forward Earnings Yield

Short name: Fwd EY

The forward Earnings Yield ratio of the company, comparing earnings per share estimates for the next year to the current price, expressed as a percentage.

Display Sorting Expression
Forward Price/Earnings Industry Rank

Short name: FPE-Irank

The forward price/earnings industry rank of the company, comparing the FPE(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
Forward Price/Earnings Sector Rank

Short name: FPE-Srank

The forward price/earnings sector rank of the company, comparing the PE(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

Display Sorting Expression
Free Cash Flow (TTM) per share

Short name: FCF(TTM)

The Free Cash Flow per Share (TTM) number of the company, the Free Cash Flow reported number per share over the most recent 12 month period.

Display Sorting Expression

Short name: P/FCF

The price/Free Cash Flow ratio of the company, comparing the current price to the Free Cash Flow per share (TTM).

Display Sorting Expression
FCF Yield

Short name: FCFY

The Free Cash Flow Yield percentage of the company, comparing the Free Cash Flow per share(TTM) to the current price, expressed as a percentage.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/FCF Industry Rank

Short name: P/FCF-Irank

The Price/Free Cash Flow industry rank of the company, comparing the P/FCF(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/FCF Sector Rank

Short name: P/FCF-Srank

The Price/Free Cash Flow sector rank of the company, comparing the P/FCF(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

Display Sorting Expression
Operating Cash Flow (TTM) per share

Short name: OCF(TTM)

The Operating Cash Flow per Share (TTM) number of the company, the Operating Cash Flow reported number per share over the most recent 12 month period.

Display Sorting Expression

Short name: P/OCF

The price/Operating Cash Flow ratio of the company, comparing the current price to the Operating Cash Flow per share (TTM).

Display Sorting Expression
OCF Yield

Short name: OCFY

The Operating Cash Flow Yield percentage of the company, comparing the Operating Cash Flow per share(TTM) to the current price, expressed as a percentage.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/OCF Industry Rank

Short name: P/OCF-Irank

The Price/Operating Cash Flow industry rank of the company, comparing the P/OCF(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/OCF Sector Rank

Short name: P/OCF-Srank

The Price/Operating Cash Flow sector rank of the company, comparing the P/OCF(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

Display Sorting Expression
PEG (Next Year)

Short name: PEG (NY)

The peg ratio which compensates earning for growth based on forward earnings growth estimates.

Display Sorting Expression
PEG (Past 5 years)

Short name: PEG (5Y)

The peg ratio which compensates earning for growth based on past earnings growth.

Display Sorting Expression
Sales per Share

Short name: SpS

The sales per share number, where sales in the most recent TTM number.

Display Sorting Expression

Short name: P/S

The price/sales ratio. Market capitalization divided by the TTM revenue.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Sales Industry Rank

Short name: P/S-Irank

The Price/Sales industry rank of the company, comparing the P/S(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Sales Sector Rank

Short name: P/S-Srank

The Price/Sales sector rank of the company, comparing the P/S(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

Display Sorting Expression
Book Value per Share

Short name: BVpS

The Book Value per share number, where book value in the most recent TTM number.

Display Sorting Expression

Short name: P/B

The price/book ratio. Market capitalization divided by TTM total Book Value.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Book Industry Rank

Short name: P/B-Irank

The Price/Book industry rank of the company, comparing the P/B(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Book Sector Rank

Short name: P/B-Srank

The Price/Book sector rank of the company, comparing the P/B(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

Display Sorting Expression
Tangible Book Value per Share

Short name: TBVpS

The Tangible Book Value per share number, where Tangible Book Value in the most recent TTM number.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Tangible Book

Short name: P/tB

The Price/Tangible Book Value. Market capitalization divided by TTM Tangible Book Value.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Tangible Book Industry Rank

Short name: P/TB-Irank

The Price/Tangible Book industry rank of the company, comparing the P/TB(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
Price/Tangible Book Sector Rank

Short name: P/TB-Srank

The Price/Tangible Book sector rank of the company, comparing the P/TB(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

Display Sorting Expression
Cash per Share

Short name: CpS

The Cash per share number, where cash in the most recent TTM number.

Display Sorting Expression

Short name: P/cash

The Price/Cash Ratio. The price divided by the cash per share.

Display Sorting Expression

The enterprice value to EBITDA ratio.

Display Sorting Expression
EV/EBITDA Industry Rank

Short name: EV/EBITDA-Irank

The EV/EBITDA industry rank of the company, comparing the EV/EBITDA(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
EV/EBITDA Sector Rank

Short name: EV/EBITDA-Srank

The EV/EBITDA sector rank of the company, comparing the EV/EBITDA(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth 1Y (TTM)

Short name: EPS 1Y (TTM)

The EPS growth over the past TTM year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth 1Y (FY)

Short name: EPS 1Y (FY)

The EPS growth in the last reported full year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth 1Y (FY-1)

Short name: EPS 1Y (FY-1)

The EPS growth in the previously reported full year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth 1Y (FY-2)

Short name: EPS 1Y (FY-2)

The EPS growth in the reported full year 2 years ago

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth 1Y (FY-3)

Short name: EPS 1Y (FY-3)

The EPS growth in the reported full year 3 years ago

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth 3Y

Short name: EPS 3Y

The EPS growth over the past 3 years

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth 5Y

Short name: EPS 5Y

The EPS growth over the past 5 years

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Next Year

Short name: EPS Next Y

The estimated EPS growth in the next year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Next 2 Year

Short name: EPS Next 2Y

The estimated EPS growth in the next 2 years

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Next 3 Year

Short name: EPS Next 3Y

The estimated EPS growth in the next 3 years

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Next 5 Year

Short name: EPS Next 5Y

The estimated EPS growth in the next 5 years

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Q2Q

Short name: EPS Q2Q%

The EPS growth when comparing the last quarter to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Q2Q (Q-1)

Short name: EPS Q2Q% (Q-1)

The EPS growth when comparing the previous quarter to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Q2Q (Q-2)

Short name: EPS Q2Q% (Q-2)

The EPS growth when comparing 2 quarters ago to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Q2Q (Q-3)

Short name: EPS Q2Q% (Q-3)

The EPS growth when comparing 3 quarters ago to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Q2Q (Q-4)

Short name: EPS Q2Q% (Q-4)

The EPS growth when comparing 4 quarters ago to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Q2Q (Q+1)

Short name: EPS Q2Q% (Q+1)

The EPS growth when comparing the next quarter to the same quarter in the previous year, based on estimates

Display Sorting Expression
EPS growth Q2Q (Q+2)

Short name: EPS Q2Q% (Q+2)

The EPS growth when comparing the second next quarter to the same quarter in the previous year, based on estimates

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue 1Y (TTM)

The revenue growth over the past TTM year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth 1Y (FY)

Short name: Revenue 1Y (FY)

The Revenue growth in the last reported full year

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth 1Y (FY-1)

Short name: Revenue 1Y (FY-1)

The Revenue growth in the previously reported full year

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth 1Y (FY-2)

Short name: Revenue 1Y (FY-2)

The Revenue growth in the reported full year 2 years ago

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth 1Y (FY-3)

Short name: Revenue 1Y (FY-3)

The Revenue growth in the reported full year 3 years ago

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth 3Y

The revenue CAGR growth over the past 3 years

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth 5Y

The revenue CAGR growth over the past 5 years

Display Sorting Expression
Sales growth Q2Q

Short name: Sales Q2Q%

The sales growth when comparing the last quarter to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
Sales growth Q2Q (Q-1)

Short name: Sales Q2Q% (Q-1)

The Sales growth when comparing the previous quarter to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
Sales growth Q2Q (Q-2)

Short name: Sales Q2Q% (Q-2)

The Sales growth when comparing 2 quarters ago to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
Sales growth Q2Q (Q-3)

Short name: Sales Q2Q% (Q-3)

The Sales growth when comparing 3 quarters ago to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
Sales growth Q2Q (Q-4)

Short name: Sales Q2Q% (Q-4)

The Sales growth when comparing 4 quarters ago to the same quarter in the previous year

Display Sorting Expression
Sales growth Q2Q (Q+1)

Short name: Sales Q2Q% (Q+1)

The Sales growth when comparing the next quarter to the same quarter in the previous year, based on estimates

Display Sorting Expression
Sales growth Q2Q (Q+2)

Short name: Sales Q2Q% (Q+2)

The Sales growth when comparing the second next quarter to the same quarter in the previous year, based on estimates

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth Next Year

Short name: Revenue Next Year

The estimated Revenue growth in the next year

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth Next 2 Years

Short name: Revenue Next 2Y

The estimated Revenue growth in the next 2 years

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth Next 3 Years

Short name: Revenue Next 3Y

The estimated Revenue growth in the next 3 years

Display Sorting Expression
Revenue growth Next 5 Years

Short name: Revenue Next 5Y

The estimated Revenue growth in the next 5 years

Display Sorting Expression
EBIT growth 1Y

The EBIT growth over the past year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

Display Sorting Expression
EBIT growth 3Y

The EBIT CAGR growth over the past 3 years

Display Sorting Expression
EBIT growth 5Y

The EBIT CAGR growth over the past 5 years

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EBIT growth Next Year

Short name: EBIT Next Year

The estimated EBIT growth in the next year

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EBIT growth Next 2 Years

Short name: EBIT Next 2Y

The estimated EBIT growth in the next 2 years

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EBIT growth Next 3 Years

Short name: EBIT Next 3Y

The estimated EBIT growth in the next 3 years

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EBIT growth Next 5 Years

Short name: EBIT Next 5Y

The estimated EBIT growth in the next 5 years

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FCF growth 1Y

The Free Cash Flow growth over the past year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

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FCF growth 3Y

The Free Cash Flow CAGR growth over the past 3 years

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FCF growth 5Y

The Free Cash Flow CAGR growth over the past 5 years

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OCF growth 1Y

The Operating Cash Flow growth over the past year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

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OCF growth 3Y

The Operating Cash Flow CAGR growth over the past 3 years

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OCF growth 5Y

The Operating Cash Flow CAGR growth over the past 5 years

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ROIC(Ex Cash+GW) growth 1Y

Short name: ROICexcg growth 1Y

The ROIC(Ex Cash and Goodwill) growth over the past year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

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ROIC(Ex Cash+GW) growth 3Y

Short name: ROICexcg growth 3Y

The ROIC(Ex Cash and Goodwill) CAGR growth over the past 3 years

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ROIC(Ex Cash+GW) growth 5Y

Short name: ROICexcg growth 5Y

The ROIC(Ex Cash and Goodwill) CAGR growth over the past 5 years

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ROIC(Ex Cash) growth 1Y

Short name: ROICexc growth 1Y

The ROIC(Ex Cash) growth over the past year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

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ROIC(Ex Cash) growth 3Y

Short name: ROICexc growth 3Y

The ROIC(Ex Cash) CAGR growth over the past 3 years

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ROIC(Ex Cash) growth 5Y

Short name: ROICexc growth 5Y

The ROIC(Ex Cash) CAGR growth over the past 5 years

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Operating Margin growth 1Y

Short name: OM growth 1Y

The Operating Margin growth over the past year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

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Operating Margin growth 3Y

Short name: OM growth 3Y

The Operating Margin CAGR growth over the past 3 years

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Operating Margin growth 5Y

Short name: OM growth 5Y

The Operating Margin CAGR growth over the past 5 years

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Profit Margin growth 1Y

Short name: PM growth 1Y

The Profit Margin growth over the past year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

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Profit Margin growth 3Y

Short name: PM growth 3Y

The Profit Margin CAGR growth over the past 3 years

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Profit Margin growth 5Y

Short name: PM growth 5Y

The Profit Margin CAGR growth over the past 5 years

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Gross Margin growth 1Y

Short name: GM growth 1Y

The Gross Margin growth over the past year. This compares the current TTM number with the previous 12 month period.

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Gross Margin growth 3Y

Short name: GM growth 3Y

The Gross Margin CAGR growth over the past 3 years

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Gross Margin growth 5Y

Short name: GM growth 5Y

The Gross Margin CAGR growth over the past 5 years

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Return on Assets

Short name: ROA

Return on Assets (ROA).

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Avg Return on Assets (3y)

Short name: ROA(3y)

Average Return on Assets (ROA) in the 3 past years.

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Avg Return on Assets (5y)

Short name: ROA(5y)

Average Return on Assets (ROA) in the 5 past years.

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Return on Assets Industry Rank

Short name: ROA-Irank

The Return on Assets industry rank of the company, comparing the ROA(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Return on Assets Sector Rank

Short name: ROA-Srank

The Return on Assets sector rank of the company, comparing the ROA(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Return on Equity

Short name: ROE

Return on Equity (ROE).

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Avg Return on Equity (3y)

Short name: ROE(3y)

Average Return on Equity (ROE) in the 3 past years.

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Avg Return on Equity (5y)

Short name: ROE(5y)

Average Return on Equity (ROE) in the 5 past years.

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Return on Equity Industry Rank

Short name: ROE-Irank

The Return on Equity industry rank of the company, comparing the ROE(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Return on Equity Sector Rank

Short name: ROE-Srank

The Return on Equity sector rank of the company, comparing the ROA(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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ROIC (Ex Cash+GW)

Short name: ROICexgc

Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash, Goodwill and Intangibles(ROICngc).

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Avg ROIC (Ex Cash+GW)(3Y)

Short name: ROICexgc(3y)

The average Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash, Goodwill and Intangibles(ROICngc) over the past 3 years.

Display Sorting Expression
Avg ROIC (Ex Cash+GW)(5Y)

Short name: ROICexgc(5y)

The average Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash, Goodwill and Intangibles(ROICngc) over the past 5 years.

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ROIC (Ex Cash+GW) Industry Rank

Short name: ROICexgc-Irank

The Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash, Goodwill and Intangibles(ROICngc) industry rank of the company, comparing the ROICngc(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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ROIC (Ex Cash+GW) Sector Rank

Short name: ROICexgc-Srank

The Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash, Goodwill and Intangibles(ROICngc) sector rank of the company, comparing the ROICngc(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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ROIC(Ex Cash)

Short name: ROICexc

Return on Invested Capital (Excluding Cash)(ROICexc).

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Avg ROIC(Ex Cash)(3Y)

Short name: ROICexc(3y)

The average Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash(ROICnc) over the past 3 years.

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Avg ROIC(Ex Cash)(5Y)

Short name: ROICexc(5y)

The average Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash(ROICnc) over the past 5 years.

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ROIC(Ex Cash) Industry Rank

Short name: ROICexc-Irank

The Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash(ROICnc) industry rank of the company, comparing the ROICnc(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

Display Sorting Expression
ROIC(Ex Cash) Sector Rank

Short name: ROICexc-Srank

The Return on Invested Capital, Exluding Cash(ROICnc) sector rank of the company, comparing the ROICnc(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Return on Invested Capital

Short name: ROIC

Return on Invested Capital (ROIC).

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Avg ROIC(3Y)

Short name: ROIC(3y)

The average Return on Invested Capital over the past 3 years.

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Avg ROIC(5Y)

Short name: ROIC(5y)

The average Return on Invested Capital(ROIC) over the past 5 years.

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ROIC Industry Rank

Short name: ROIC-Irank

The Return on Invested Capital(ROIC) industry rank of the company, comparing the ROIC(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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ROIC Sector Rank

Short name: ROIC-Srank

The Return on Invested Capital(ROIC) sector rank of the company, comparing the ROIC(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Return on Capital Employed

Short name: ROCE

Return on Capital Employed (ROCE).

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Avg ROCE(3Y)

Short name: ROCE(3y)

The average Return on Capital Employed over the past 3 years.

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Avg ROCE(5Y)

Short name: ROCE(5y)

The average Return on Capital Employed(ROCE) over the past 5 years.

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ROCE Industry Rank

Short name: ROCE-Irank

The Return on Capital Employed(ROCE) industry rank of the company, comparing the ROCE(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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ROCE Sector Rank

Short name: ROCE-Srank

The Return on Capital Employed(ROCE) sector rank of the company, comparing the ROCE(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Profit Margin (TTM)

Short name: PM (TTM)

The profit margin. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage. (ttm)

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Profit Margin Industry Rank

Short name: PM-Irank

The Profit Margin(PM) industry rank of the company, comparing the PM(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Profit Margin Sector Rank

Short name: PM-Srank

The Profit Margin(PM) sector rank of the company, comparing the PM(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Profit Margin (FY)

Short name: PM (FY)

The profit margin as reported in the last reported full year. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

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Profit Margin (FY -1)

Short name: PM (FY -1)

The profit margin as reported in the previous reported full year. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

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Profit Margin (FY -2)

Short name: PM (FY -2)

The profit margin as reported in 2 years ago in the full year report. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

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Profit Margin (FY -3)

Short name: PM (FY -3)

The profit margin as reported in 3 years ago in the full year report. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

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Profit Margin (Q)

Short name: PM (Q)

The profit margin as reported in the last reported quarter. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

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Profit Margin (Q -1)

Short name: PM (Q -1)

The profit margin as reported in the previous reported quarter. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

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Profit Margin (Q -2)

Short name: PM (Q -2)

The profit margin as reported 2 quarters before the last reported. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

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Profit Margin (Q -3)

Short name: PM (Q -3)

The profit margin as reported 3 quarters before the last reported. Net profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

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Operating Margin

Short name: OM

The operating margin. Operating profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage. (ttm)

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Operating Margin Industry Rank

Short name: OM-Irank

The Operating Margin(OM) industry rank of the company, comparing the OM(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Operating Margin Sector Rank

Short name: OM-Srank

The Operating Margin(OM) sector rank of the company, comparing the OM(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Gross Margin

Short name: GM

The gross margin. Gross profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage. (ttm)

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Gross Margin Industry Rank

Short name: GM-Irank

The Gross Margin(GM) industry rank of the company, comparing the GM(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Gross Margin Sector Rank

Short name: GM-Srank

The Gross Margin(GM) sector rank of the company, comparing the GM(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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FCF Margin

Short name: FCFM

The FCF margin. Free Cash Flow divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage. (ttm)

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FCF Margin Industry Rank

Short name: FCFM-Irank

The FCF Margin(GM) industry rank of the company, comparing the FCFM(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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FCF Margin Sector Rank

Short name: FCFM-Srank

The FCF Margin(GM) sector rank of the company, comparing the FCFM(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Asset Turnover

The Asset Turnover. The ratio of sales generated vs the value of its assets. This is an indicator for the efficiency with which a company is deploying its assets in generating revenue.

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The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC).

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The ROIC/WACC ratio of the company, comparing the roic to the wacc.

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Current Ratio

The Current Ratio. The Current Ratio measures the ability of the company to pay short time obligations, calculated as current assets divided by current liabilities.

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Current Ratio Industry Rank

Short name: CR-Irank

The Current Ratio(CR) industry rank of the company, comparing the CR(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Current Ratio Sector Rank

Short name: CR-Srank

The Current Ratio(CR) sector rank of the company, comparing the CR(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Current Ratio Growth

Short name: CR Growth

Comparing the current ratio to the previous year current ratio. The Current Ratio measures the ability of the company to pay short time obligations calculated as current assets divided by current liabilities.

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Quick Ratio

The Quick Ratio. The Quick Ratio measures the short time liquidity. It measures the ability to meet its short-term obligations with its most liquid assets.

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Quick Ratio Industry Rank

Short name: QR-Irank

The Quick Ratio(QR) industry rank of the company, comparing the QR(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Quick Ratio Sector Rank

Short name: QR-Srank

The Quick Ratio(QR) sector rank of the company, comparing the QR(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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The Altman-Z Score.

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The Altman-Z Score Industry Rank

Short name: Altman-Z-Irank

The Altman-Z Score industry rank of the company, comparing the score of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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The Altman-Z Score Sector Rank

Short name: Altman-Z-Srank

The Altman-Z Score sector rank of the company, comparing the score of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Piotroski F-Score

Short name: F-Score

The Piotroski Score. Adding a point for each of 9 checks.

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Piotroski F-Score (Health items)

Short name: Health F-Score

The Health Piotroski Score. Adding a point for each of 3 checks which relate to the health of the company.

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Piotroski F-Score (Profitability items)

Short name: Profitability F-Score

The Profitability Piotroski Score. Adding a point for each of 6 checks which relate to the profitability of the company.

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The Debt/Equity Ratio. The total debt divided by equity.

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The Debt/Equity Industry Rank

Short name: DE-Irank

The Debt/Equity industry rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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The Debt/Equity Sector Rank

Short name: DE-Srank

The Debt/Equity sector rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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The Debt/Free Cash Flow Ratio. The total debt divided by the free cash flow (TTM).

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Debt/FCF Industry Rank

Short name: Debt/FCF-Irank

The Debt/Free Cash Flow industry rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Debt/FCF Sector Rank

Short name: Debt/FCF-Srank

The Debt/Free Cash Flow sector rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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The Debt/EBITDA Ratio. The total debt divided by the EBITDA (TTM).

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The Debt/EBITDA Industry Rank

Short name: Debt/EBITDA-Irank

The Debt/EBITDA industry rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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The Debt/EBITDA Sector Rank

Short name: Debt/EBITDA-Srank

The Debt/EBITDA sector rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Profit Quality

The Free Cash Flow to Net Income Ratio as a percentage (TTM).

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Profit Quality Industry Rank

Short name: PQ-Irank

The Profit Quality(PQ) industry rank of the company, comparing the PQ(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Profit Quality Sector Rank

Short name: PQ-Srank

The Profit Quality(PQ) sector rank of the company, comparing the PQ(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Profit Quality(3y)

The average profit quality over the past 3 years: The Free Cash Flow to Net Income Ratio as a percentage.

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Profit Quality(5y)

The average profit quality over the past 5 years: The Free Cash Flow to Net Income Ratio as a percentage.

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Cash Conversion

The Operating Cash Flow to Ebitda Ratio as a percentage (TTM).

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Cash Conversion Industry Rank

Short name: CC-Irank

The Cash Conversion(CC) industry rank of the company, comparing the CC(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Cash Conversion Sector Rank

Short name: CC-Srank

The Cash Conversion(CC) sector rank of the company, comparing the CC(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Interest Coverage

The Interest Coverage Ratio(TTM): Ebit compared to interest paid

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Interest Coverage Industry Rank

Short name: IC-Irank

The Interest Coverage(IC) industry rank of the company, comparing the IC(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Interest Coverage Sector Rank

Short name: IC-Srank

The Interest Coverage(IC) sector rank of the company, comparing the IC(TTM) ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Short name: Cap/Depr

The Capital Expenditure to Depreciation Ratio as a percentage (TTM), measuring the investment intensity.

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CapEx/Depreciation Industry Rank

Short name: Cap/Depr-Irank

The CapEx/Depreciation industry rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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CapEx/Depreciation Sector Rank

Short name: Cap/Depr-Srank

The CapEx/Depreciation sector rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Short name: Cap/Depr(3y)

The Average Capital Expenditure to Depreciation Ratio as a percentage over the past 3 years, measuring the investment intensity.

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Short name: Cap/Depr(5y)

The Average Capital Expenditure to Depreciation Ratio as a percentage over the past 5 years, measuring the investment intensity.

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Short name: Cap/Sales

The Capital Expenditure to Sales Ratio as a percentage (TTM), measuring the capital intensity.

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CapEx/Sales Industry Rank

Short name: Cap/Sales-Irank

The CapEx/Sales industry rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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CapEx/Sales Sector Rank

Short name: Cap/Sales-Srank

The CapEx/Sales sector rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Short name: Cap/Sales(3y)

The Average Capital Expenditure to Sales Ratio as a percentage over the past 3 years, measuring the capital intensity.

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Short name: Cap/Sales(5y)

The Average Capital Expenditure to Sales Ratio as a percentage over the past 5 years, measuring the capital intensity.

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Dividend Yield

The Dividend Yield or The divident return as a percentage of the stock price.

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Yearly Dividend

The Yearly Dividend or The divident return as an amount in the currency of the stock price.

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Dividend Yield Industry Rank

Short name: DYield-Irank

The Dividend Yield industry rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same industry.

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Dividend Yield Sector Rank

Short name: DYield-Srank

The Dividend Yield sector rank of the company, comparing the ratio of the company to all other stocks in the same sector.

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Dividend Growth(5Y)

The Dividend Growth. The CAGR percent growth in dividends over the past 5-years.

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Dividend Payout

Short name: DP

The Dividend Payout. The percentage of net income a firm pays to its shareholders as dividends.

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Ex Dividend Date

Short name: Ex-Date

The next ex dividend date. The date before which you need to own the stock to receive the next dividend.

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Dividend Increase Years

Short name: Div Incr Years

The number of consecutive years the dividend was increased.

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Dividend Non Decrease Years

Short name: Div Non Decr Years

The number of consecutive years the dividend was not decreased.

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