Fundamentals, Estimates and Analyst Ratings available for Xetra and EuroNext (Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Milan, Dublin, Oslo, Lisabon).
CBOE Europe covers the main instruments all over Europe, including the exchanges in London, Paris, Madrid, Frankfurt, Milan, Zurich, Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo and Vienna.
All data for the Stock Screener is updated once per day after the close of the US markets.
The new data is available 1 hour after the US market close. At this time all stock properties are updated.
All ChartMill ratings are updated
All derived data, like indicators, support and resistance values, performance data, etc ... are updated
Most filters in the Stock Screener operate on these values which are updated once per day, but when live intraday data is available it is available for screening.
This is the case for the US markets and CBOE Europe.
The live updated properties are: Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, their previous versions
The predefined filters using these properties typically have 'Today' in their name: Today's performance, New High Today, Pocket Pivot Today, ... Most of these can be found under Signal on the performance tab.