Overall CIVI gets a technical rating of 0 out of 10. CIVI's overall performance in the market is below average. Also recent evolutions are not that positive. Both the medium and short term picture give negative signs.
The short term trend is negative, as is the long term trend. There should be more interesting stocks out there.
When comparing the yearly performance of all stocks, CIVI is a bad performer in the overall market: 92% of all stocks are doing better.
CIVI is one of the lesser performing stocks in the Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels industry. 82% of 210 stocks in the same industry do better.
CIVI is currently trading near the lower end of its 52 week range, which is not a good sign. CIVI is lagging the S&P500 Index which is trading in the middle of its 52 week range.
In the last month CIVI has a been trading in the 31.89 - 52.22 range, which is quite wide. It is currently trading near the lows of this range.
Prices have been falling strongly lately, it is better to avoid new long positions here.
Volume is considerably higher in the last couple of days. In combination with the strong move down this is a bad signal.
CIVI has an average volume of 1640590 traded shares per day. This is a good sign as it is always nice to have a liquid stock.