Using chartmill channels in combination with trend intensity can find some nice horizontal basing patterns.
The Stock Screener supports different support and resistance trading strategies. Some examples are listed in this article.
Learn how to find horizontal bases after a strong uptrend by using ChartMill Channels
Finding narrow trading ranges with ChartMill Channels
A Chartmill Channel is a horizontal channel wherein prices move sideways
Learn how to combine ChartMill Screens and Trading Ideas to find those low-risk breakout trading setups.
In this video I discuss a number of potentially interesting shares that were spotted with the predefined screens in our stock screening tool Chartmill. At the same time I show you how to manage your risk properly using the position sizing tool.
Prices are in an 8% range
The upper channel has a minimum length of 20 days
Trend intensity is at least 105, this means a strong trending stock
The upper channel strength is at least 3
The lower channel has a minimum length of 20 days
The lower channel strength is at least 3
A minimum required volume to filter out less liquid stocks
The channels on a daily chart
Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.