This screen lists stocks with a high Piotroski F-score (8 or 9), while having a low Price/Book value and a good ChartMill valuation rating. So we are looking for quality companies which are undervalued.
The Piotroski F-score, a proven method to identify undervalued financially sound quality stocks for your long-term portfolio
Which stocks to buy when inflation is rising strongly?
A description of the fundamental filters related to valuation, like price/earnings, price/book, peg ratio
Simply put, the value investor specifically looks for companies whose market value (stock price) is lower than their current intrinsic value.
Find or sort stocks based on their Piotroski F-score with our stock screener
Using our stock screener to find the best value stocks
Only select those with top Piotroski F-score values
A low price/book value
A reasonable to high ChartMill valuation ratio
Have a minimum of volume/liquidity
Only for the US market
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