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NASDAQ:LLYVA - Nasdaq - US5312297485 - Currency: USD

74.15  +0.11 (+0.15%)

Fundamental Rating


We assign a fundamental rating of 4 out of 10 to LLYVA. LLYVA was compared to 93 industry peers in the Media industry. Both the profitability and the financial health of LLYVA get a neutral evaluation. Nothing too spectacular is happening here. LLYVA is not valued too expensively and it also shows a decent growth rate.

Dividend Valuation Growth Profitability Health


1. Profitability

1.1 Basic Checks

LLYVA had positive earnings in the past year.
LLYVA had a positive operating cash flow in the past year.
In multiple years LLYVA reported negative net income over the last 5 years.
Of the past 5 years LLYVA 4 years had a positive operating cash flow.
LLYVA Yearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCFLLYVA Yearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCFYearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 500M -500M 1B

1.2 Ratios

Looking at the Return On Assets, with a value of 2.32%, LLYVA is in the better half of the industry, outperforming 72.41% of the companies in the same industry.
LLYVA has a better Return On Equity (3.64%) than 67.82% of its industry peers.
LLYVA has a Return On Invested Capital of 3.31%. This is comparable to the rest of the industry: LLYVA outperforms 49.43% of its industry peers.
The Average Return On Invested Capital over the past 3 years for LLYVA is significantly below the industry average of 6.94%.
The 3 year average ROIC (1.52%) for LLYVA is below the current ROIC(3.31%), indicating increased profibility in the last year.
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 2.32%
ROE 3.64%
ROIC 3.31%
LLYVA Yearly ROA, ROE, ROICLLYVA Yearly ROA, ROE, ROICYearly ROA, ROE, ROIC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 10 20

1.3 Margins

With a decent Profit Margin value of 7.48%, LLYVA is doing good in the industry, outperforming 79.31% of the companies in the same industry.
Looking at the Operating Margin, with a value of 11.01%, LLYVA is in the better half of the industry, outperforming 67.82% of the companies in the same industry.
LLYVA has a Gross Margin of 31.84%. This is in the lower half of the industry: LLYVA underperforms 63.22% of its industry peers.
LLYVA's Gross Margin has been stable in the last couple of years.
Industry RankSector Rank
OM 11.01%
PM (TTM) 7.48%
GM 31.84%
OM growth 3YN/A
OM growth 5YN/A
PM growth 3YN/A
PM growth 5YN/A
GM growth 3Y26.84%
GM growth 5Y0.1%
LLYVA Yearly Profit, Operating, Gross MarginsLLYVA Yearly Profit, Operating, Gross MarginsYearly Profit, Operating, Gross Margins 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 20 -20 40 -40 60


2. Health

2.1 Basic Checks

With a Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) below the Cost of Capital (WACC), LLYVA is destroying value.
Compared to 1 year ago, LLYVA has more shares outstanding
LLYVA has more shares outstanding than it did 5 years ago.
The debt/assets ratio for LLYVA is higher compared to a year ago.
LLYVA Yearly Shares OutstandingLLYVA Yearly Shares OutstandingYearly Shares Outstanding 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 100M 200M 300M
LLYVA Yearly Total Debt VS Total AssetsLLYVA Yearly Total Debt VS Total AssetsYearly Total Debt VS Total Assets 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 5B 10B 15B 20B 25B

2.2 Solvency

The Debt to FCF ratio of LLYVA is 6.07, which is on the high side as it means it would take LLYVA, 6.07 years of fcf income to pay off all of its debts.
LLYVA has a Debt to FCF ratio of 6.07. This is in the better half of the industry: LLYVA outperforms 72.41% of its industry peers.
LLYVA has a Debt/Equity ratio of 0.38. This is a healthy value indicating a solid balance between debt and equity.
LLYVA has a Debt to Equity ratio of 0.38. This is in the better half of the industry: LLYVA outperforms 63.22% of its industry peers.
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 0.38
Debt/FCF 6.07
Altman-Z N/A
LLYVA Yearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCFLLYVA Yearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCFYearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 2B 4B 6B 8B 10B

2.3 Liquidity

A Current Ratio of 2.70 indicates that LLYVA has no problem at all paying its short term obligations.
The Current ratio of LLYVA (2.70) is better than 83.91% of its industry peers.
LLYVA has a Quick Ratio of 2.70. This indicates that LLYVA is financially healthy and has no problem in meeting its short term obligations.
LLYVA has a Quick ratio of 2.70. This is amongst the best in the industry. LLYVA outperforms 85.06% of its industry peers.
Industry RankSector Rank
Current Ratio 2.7
Quick Ratio 2.7
LLYVA Yearly Current Assets VS Current LiabilitesLLYVA Yearly Current Assets VS Current LiabilitesYearly Current Assets VS Current Liabilites 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 500M 1B 1.5B 2B 2.5B


3. Growth

3.1 Past

LLYVA shows a strong negative growth in Earnings Per Share. In the last year the EPS decreased by -55.32%.
Looking at the last year, LLYVA shows a very strong growth in Revenue. The Revenue has grown by 35.32%.
The Revenue has been growing by 12.02% on average over the past years. This is quite good.
EPS 1Y (TTM)-55.32%
EPS Q2Q%-58.97%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)35.32%
Revenue growth 3Y41.18%
Revenue growth 5Y12.02%
Sales Q2Q%2.71%

3.2 Future

The Earnings Per Share is expected to grow by 41.64% on average over the next years. This is a very strong growth
Based on estimates for the next years, LLYVA will show a quite strong growth in Revenue. The Revenue will grow by 8.32% on average per year.
EPS Next Y141.96%
EPS Next 2Y58.05%
EPS Next 3Y48.23%
EPS Next 5Y41.64%
Revenue Next Year16.29%
Revenue Next 2Y13.27%
Revenue Next 3Y11.06%
Revenue Next 5Y8.32%

3.3 Evolution

When comparing the Revenue growth rate of the last years to the growth rate of the upcoming years, we see that the growth is decreasing.
LLYVA Yearly Revenue VS EstimatesLLYVA Yearly Revenue VS EstimatesYearly Revenue VS Estimates 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2B 4B 6B
LLYVA Yearly EPS VS EstimatesLLYVA Yearly EPS VS EstimatesYearly EPS VS Estimates 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 0 2 -2


4. Valuation

4.1 Price/Earnings Ratio

The Price/Earnings ratio is 88.27, which means the current valuation is very expensive for LLYVA.
LLYVA's Price/Earnings ratio is in line with the industry average.
Compared to an average S&P500 Price/Earnings ratio of 28.47, LLYVA is valued quite expensively.
With a Price/Forward Earnings ratio of 51.18, LLYVA can be considered very expensive at the moment.
LLYVA's Price/Forward Earnings is on the same level as the industry average.
LLYVA is valuated rather cheaply when we compare the Price/Forward Earnings ratio to 92.74, which is the current average of the S&P500 Index.
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 88.27
Fwd PE 51.18
LLYVA Price Earnings VS Forward Price EarningsLLYVA Price Earnings VS Forward Price Earnings ChartPrice Earnings - Forward Price Earnings PE FPE 20 40 60 80

4.2 Price Multiples

Based on the Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio, LLYVA is valued a bit more expensive than the industry average as 66.67% of the companies are valued more cheaply.
Compared to the rest of the industry, the Price/Free Cash Flow ratio of LLYVA is on the same level as its industry peers.
Industry RankSector Rank
P/FCF 52.37
LLYVA Per share dataLLYVA EPS, Sales, OCF, FCF, BookValue per sharePer Share Data Per Share 5 10 15 20

4.3 Compensation for Growth

LLYVA's low PEG Ratio(NY), which compensates the Price/Earnings for growth, indicates a rather cheap valuation of the company.
LLYVA's earnings are expected to grow with 48.23% in the coming years. This may justify a more expensive valuation.
PEG (NY)0.62
EPS Next 2Y58.05%
EPS Next 3Y48.23%


5. Dividend

5.1 Amount

LLYVA does not give a dividend.
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield N/A


NASDAQ:LLYVA (2/5/2025, 2:39:54 PM)


+0.11 (+0.15%)

Chartmill FA Rating
GICS SectorCommunication Services
GICS IndustryGroupMedia & Entertainment
GICS IndustryMedia
Earnings (Last)11-07 2024-11-07/bmo
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Inst Owners85.77%
Inst Owner Change0.25%
Ins Owners3.55%
Ins Owner ChangeN/A
Market Cap25.24B
Price Target77.21 (4.13%)
Short Float %1.47%
Short Ratio3.21
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield N/A
Yearly Dividend0
Dividend Growth(5Y)N/A
Div Incr Years0
Div Non Decr Years0
Surprises & Revisions
EPS beat(2)0
Avg EPS beat(2)-37.97%
Min EPS beat(2)-67.24%
Max EPS beat(2)-8.7%
EPS beat(4)1
Avg EPS beat(4)148.76%
Min EPS beat(4)-67.24%
Max EPS beat(4)681.44%
EPS beat(8)4
Avg EPS beat(8)348.45%
EPS beat(12)7
Avg EPS beat(12)196.26%
EPS beat(16)10
Avg EPS beat(16)262.47%
Revenue beat(2)0
Avg Revenue beat(2)-2.65%
Min Revenue beat(2)-2.74%
Max Revenue beat(2)-2.56%
Revenue beat(4)0
Avg Revenue beat(4)-3.09%
Min Revenue beat(4)-4.87%
Max Revenue beat(4)-2.19%
Revenue beat(8)0
Avg Revenue beat(8)-3.44%
Revenue beat(12)3
Avg Revenue beat(12)0.56%
Revenue beat(16)6
Avg Revenue beat(16)1.8%
PT rev (1m)6.9%
PT rev (3m)29.55%
EPS NQ rev (1m)49.03%
EPS NQ rev (3m)-8.43%
EPS NY rev (1m)-1.27%
EPS NY rev (3m)30.62%
Revenue NQ rev (1m)-1.14%
Revenue NQ rev (3m)-1.69%
Revenue NY rev (1m)-0.1%
Revenue NY rev (3m)-0.28%
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 88.27
Fwd PE 51.18
P/S 6.79
P/FCF 52.37
P/OCF 38.72
P/B 3.3
P/tB 36.43
Fwd EY1.95%
PEG (NY)0.62
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 2.32%
ROE 3.64%
ROCE 3.8%
ROIC 3.31%
ROICexc 4.41%
ROICexgc 31.1%
OM 11.01%
PM (TTM) 7.48%
GM 31.84%
FCFM 12.97%
ROICexcg growth 3YN/A
ROICexcg growth 5YN/A
ROICexc growth 3YN/A
ROICexc growth 5YN/A
OM growth 3YN/A
OM growth 5YN/A
PM growth 3YN/A
PM growth 5YN/A
GM growth 3Y26.84%
GM growth 5Y0.1%
Asset Turnover0.31
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 0.38
Debt/FCF 6.07
Debt/EBITDA 3.69
Cap/Depr 44.97%
Cap/Sales 4.57%
Interest Coverage 250
Cash Conversion 82.85%
Profit Quality 173.38%
Current Ratio 2.7
Quick Ratio 2.7
Altman-Z N/A
Profit Quality(3y)N/A
Profit Quality(5y)N/A
High Growth Momentum
EPS 1Y (TTM)-55.32%
EPS Q2Q%-58.97%
EPS Next Y141.96%
EPS Next 2Y58.05%
EPS Next 3Y48.23%
EPS Next 5Y41.64%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)35.32%
Revenue growth 3Y41.18%
Revenue growth 5Y12.02%
Sales Q2Q%2.71%
Revenue Next Year16.29%
Revenue Next 2Y13.27%
Revenue Next 3Y11.06%
Revenue Next 5Y8.32%
EBIT growth 1Y89.35%
EBIT growth 3YN/A
EBIT growth 5YN/A
EBIT Next Year195.6%
EBIT Next 3Y60.82%
EBIT Next 5Y35.84%
FCF growth 1Y85.38%
FCF growth 3YN/A
FCF growth 5Y-5.34%
OCF growth 1Y23.02%
OCF growth 3YN/A
OCF growth 5Y18.23%