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BROOKFIELD CORP - BNCN 5.386 PERP (BN-PF-I.CA) Stock Fundamental Analysis

TSX:BN-PF-I - Toronto Stock Exchange - CA11271J6447 - Currency: CAD

24.46  +0.05 (+0.2%)

Fundamental Rating


BN-PF-I gets a fundamental rating of 3 out of 10. The analysis compared the fundamentals against 83 industry peers in the Capital Markets industry. There are concerns on the financial health of BN-PF-I while its profitability can be described as average. BN-PF-I has a decent growth rate and is not valued too expensively.

Dividend Valuation Growth Profitability Health


1. Profitability

1.1 Basic Checks

BN-PF-I had positive earnings in the past year.
BN-PF-I had a positive operating cash flow in the past year.
BN-PF-I had positive earnings in 4 of the past 5 years.
Each year in the past 5 years BN-PF-I had a positive operating cash flow.
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCFBN-PF-I.CA Yearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCFYearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 10B -10B 20B

1.2 Ratios

BN-PF-I has a Return On Assets of 0.15%. This is in the lower half of the industry: BN-PF-I underperforms 66.22% of its industry peers.
BN-PF-I has a worse Return On Equity (1.59%) than 64.86% of its industry peers.
BN-PF-I has a Return On Invested Capital of 4.03%. This is comparable to the rest of the industry: BN-PF-I outperforms 43.24% of its industry peers.
BN-PF-I had an Average Return On Invested Capital over the past 3 years of 3.94%. This is significantly below the industry average of 9.07%.
The last Return On Invested Capital (4.03%) for BN-PF-I is above the 3 year average (3.94%), which is a sign of increasing profitability.
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 0.15%
ROE 1.59%
ROIC 4.03%
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly ROA, ROE, ROICBN-PF-I.CA Yearly ROA, ROE, ROICYearly ROA, ROE, ROIC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 2 4 6 8 10

1.3 Margins

BN-PF-I's Profit Margin of 0.81% is on the low side compared to the rest of the industry. BN-PF-I is outperformed by 63.51% of its industry peers.
BN-PF-I's Profit Margin has declined in the last couple of years.
BN-PF-I has a Operating Margin (24.52%) which is comparable to the rest of the industry.
In the last couple of years the Operating Margin of BN-PF-I has grown nicely.
With a Gross Margin value of 18.62%, BN-PF-I is not doing good in the industry: 64.86% of the companies in the same industry are doing better.
BN-PF-I's Gross Margin has improved in the last couple of years.
Industry RankSector Rank
OM 24.52%
PM (TTM) 0.81%
GM 18.62%
OM growth 3Y10.13%
OM growth 5Y6.12%
PM growth 3YN/A
PM growth 5Y-30.16%
GM growth 3Y1.18%
GM growth 5Y6.07%
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly Profit, Operating, Gross MarginsBN-PF-I.CA Yearly Profit, Operating, Gross MarginsYearly Profit, Operating, Gross Margins 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 10 20 30 40


2. Health

2.1 Basic Checks

The number of shares outstanding for BN-PF-I has been reduced compared to 1 year ago.
Compared to 5 years ago, BN-PF-I has more shares outstanding
BN-PF-I has a better debt/assets ratio than last year.
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly Shares OutstandingBN-PF-I.CA Yearly Shares OutstandingYearly Shares Outstanding 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 500M 1B 1.5B
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly Total Debt VS Total AssetsBN-PF-I.CA Yearly Total Debt VS Total AssetsYearly Total Debt VS Total Assets 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 100B 200B 300B 400B

2.2 Solvency

Based on the Altman-Z score of 0.39, we must say that BN-PF-I is in the distress zone and has some risk of bankruptcy.
The Altman-Z score of BN-PF-I (0.39) is comparable to the rest of the industry.
A Debt/Equity ratio of 5.26 is on the high side and indicates that BN-PF-I has dependencies on debt financing.
BN-PF-I's Debt to Equity ratio of 5.26 is on the low side compared to the rest of the industry. BN-PF-I is outperformed by 90.54% of its industry peers.
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 5.26
Debt/FCF N/A
Altman-Z 0.39
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCFBN-PF-I.CA Yearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCFYearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 50B 100B 150B

2.3 Liquidity

A Current Ratio of 0.84 indicates that BN-PF-I may have some problems paying its short term obligations.
BN-PF-I's Current ratio of 0.84 is on the low side compared to the rest of the industry. BN-PF-I is outperformed by 72.97% of its industry peers.
A Quick Ratio of 0.66 indicates that BN-PF-I may have some problems paying its short term obligations.
Looking at the Quick ratio, with a value of 0.66, BN-PF-I is doing worse than 75.68% of the companies in the same industry.
Industry RankSector Rank
Current Ratio 0.84
Quick Ratio 0.66
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly Current Assets VS Current LiabilitesBN-PF-I.CA Yearly Current Assets VS Current LiabilitesYearly Current Assets VS Current Liabilites 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 20B 40B 60B 80B 100B


3. Growth

3.1 Past

BN-PF-I shows a strong growth in Earnings Per Share. In the last year, the EPS has been growing by 92.39%, which is quite impressive.
The Earnings Per Share has been growing slightly by 5.73% on average over the past years.
BN-PF-I shows a decrease in Revenue. In the last year, the revenue decreased by -4.73%.
The Revenue has been growing by 11.06% on average over the past years. This is quite good.
EPS 1Y (TTM)92.39%
EPS 5Y5.73%
EPS Q2Q%15.07%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)-4.73%
Revenue growth 3Y15.19%
Revenue growth 5Y11.06%
Sales Q2Q%-15.62%

3.2 Future

The Earnings Per Share is expected to grow by 17.50% on average over the next years. This is quite good.
The Revenue is expected to decrease by -38.48% on average over the next years. This is quite bad
EPS Next Y30.79%
EPS Next 2Y15.61%
EPS Next 3Y17.5%
EPS Next 5YN/A
Revenue Next Year-83.18%
Revenue Next 2Y-55.75%
Revenue Next 3Y-38.48%
Revenue Next 5YN/A

3.3 Evolution

The EPS growth rate is accelerating: in the next years the growth will be better than in the last years.
The Revenue growth rate is decreasing: in the next years the growth will be less than in the last years.
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly Revenue VS EstimatesBN-PF-I.CA Yearly Revenue VS EstimatesYearly Revenue VS Estimates 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 20B 40B 60B 80B
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly EPS VS EstimatesBN-PF-I.CA Yearly EPS VS EstimatesYearly EPS VS Estimates 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 0 1 2 3 4


4. Valuation

4.1 Price/Earnings Ratio

BN-PF-I is valuated cheaply with a Price/Earnings ratio of 4.48.
Based on the Price/Earnings ratio, BN-PF-I is valued a bit cheaper than 67.57% of the companies in the same industry.
The average S&P500 Price/Earnings ratio is at 28.47. BN-PF-I is valued rather cheaply when compared to this.
The Price/Forward Earnings ratio is 4.19, which indicates a rather cheap valuation of BN-PF-I.
BN-PF-I's Price/Forward Earnings ratio is a bit cheaper when compared to the industry. BN-PF-I is cheaper than 71.62% of the companies in the same industry.
BN-PF-I's Price/Forward Earnings ratio indicates a rather cheap valuation when compared to the S&P500 average which is at 92.74.
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 4.48
Fwd PE 4.19
BN-PF-I.CA Price Earnings VS Forward Price EarningsBN-PF-I.CA Price Earnings VS Forward Price Earnings ChartPrice Earnings - Forward Price Earnings PE FPE 20 40 60 80

4.2 Price Multiples

BN-PF-I's Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio is in line with the industry average.
Industry RankSector Rank
BN-PF-I.CA Per share dataBN-PF-I.CA EPS, Sales, OCF, FCF, BookValue per sharePer Share Data Per Share 0 20 -20 40 60

4.3 Compensation for Growth

BN-PF-I's low PEG Ratio(NY), which compensates the Price/Earnings for growth, indicates a rather cheap valuation of the company.
BN-PF-I's earnings are expected to grow with 17.50% in the coming years. This may justify a more expensive valuation.
PEG (NY)0.15
PEG (5Y)0.78
EPS Next 2Y15.61%
EPS Next 3Y17.5%


5. Dividend

5.1 Amount

With a yearly dividend of 0.48%, BN-PF-I is not a good candidate for dividend investing.
BN-PF-I's Dividend Yield is a higher than the industry average which is at 3.26.
Compared to an average S&P500 Dividend Yield of 2.28, BN-PF-I's dividend is way lower than the S&P500 average.
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield 0.48%

5.2 History

The dividend of BN-PF-I decreases each year by -5.12%.
BN-PF-I has been paying a dividend for over 5 years, so it has already some track record.
BN-PF-I has not decreased its dividend in the past 5 years, so it has a somewhat stable track record.
Dividend Growth(5Y)-5.12%
Div Incr Years2
Div Non Decr Years5
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly Dividends per shareBN-PF-I.CA Yearly Dividends per shareYearly Dividends per share 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

5.3 Sustainability

BN-PF-I pays out 87.94% of its income as dividend. This is not a sustainable payout ratio.
EPS Next 2Y15.61%
EPS Next 3Y17.5%
BN-PF-I.CA Yearly Income VS Free CF VS DividendBN-PF-I.CA Yearly Income VS Free CF VS DividendYearly Income VS Free CF VS Dividend 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 -5B -10B
BN-PF-I.CA Dividend Payout.BN-PF-I.CA Dividend Payout, showing the Payout Ratio.BN-PF-I.CA Dividend Payout.PayoutRetained Earnings


TSX:BN-PF-I (2/4/2025, 7:00:00 PM)


+0.05 (+0.2%)

Chartmill FA Rating
GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryGroupFinancial Services
GICS IndustryCapital Markets
Earnings (Last)11-14 2024-11-14/bmo
Earnings (Next)02-13 2025-02-13/amc
Inst Owners64.33%
Inst Owner ChangeN/A
Ins Owners10.96%
Ins Owner ChangeN/A
Market Cap40.29B
Price Target27.1 (10.79%)
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield 0.48%
Yearly Dividend0.39
Dividend Growth(5Y)-5.12%
Div Incr Years2
Div Non Decr Years5
Surprises & Revisions
EPS beat(2)1
Avg EPS beat(2)34.18%
Min EPS beat(2)-0.3%
Max EPS beat(2)68.65%
EPS beat(4)3
Avg EPS beat(4)20.85%
Min EPS beat(4)-0.3%
Max EPS beat(4)68.65%
EPS beat(8)6
Avg EPS beat(8)-3.67%
EPS beat(12)N/A
Avg EPS beat(12)N/A
EPS beat(16)N/A
Avg EPS beat(16)N/A
Revenue beat(2)2
Avg Revenue beat(2)1592.59%
Min Revenue beat(2)1473.07%
Max Revenue beat(2)1712.11%
Revenue beat(4)4
Avg Revenue beat(4)798.76%
Min Revenue beat(4)0.84%
Max Revenue beat(4)1712.11%
Revenue beat(8)8
Avg Revenue beat(8)413.33%
Revenue beat(12)N/A
Avg Revenue beat(12)N/A
Revenue beat(16)N/A
Avg Revenue beat(16)N/A
PT rev (1m)-0.99%
PT rev (3m)19.35%
EPS NQ rev (1m)-0.28%
EPS NQ rev (3m)-3.16%
EPS NY rev (1m)0%
EPS NY rev (3m)5.56%
Revenue NQ rev (1m)0%
Revenue NQ rev (3m)-3.87%
Revenue NY rev (1m)0%
Revenue NY rev (3m)-1.19%
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 4.48
Fwd PE 4.19
P/S 0.31
P/OCF 4.83
P/B 0.6
P/tB N/A
Fwd EY23.86%
PEG (NY)0.15
PEG (5Y)0.78
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 0.15%
ROE 1.59%
ROIC 4.03%
ROICexc 4.14%
ROICexgc 4.97%
OM 24.52%
PM (TTM) 0.81%
GM 18.62%
ROICexcg growth 3Y16.62%
ROICexcg growth 5Y7.18%
ROICexc growth 3Y14.15%
ROICexc growth 5Y5.45%
OM growth 3Y10.13%
OM growth 5Y6.12%
PM growth 3YN/A
PM growth 5Y-30.16%
GM growth 3Y1.18%
GM growth 5Y6.07%
Asset Turnover0.18
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 5.26
Debt/FCF N/A
Debt/EBITDA 7.62
Cap/Depr 203.03%
Cap/Sales 21.72%
Interest Coverage 250
Cash Conversion 18.06%
Profit Quality N/A
Current Ratio 0.84
Quick Ratio 0.66
Altman-Z 0.39
Profit Quality(3y)N/A
Profit Quality(5y)N/A
High Growth Momentum
EPS 1Y (TTM)92.39%
EPS 5Y5.73%
EPS Q2Q%15.07%
EPS Next Y30.79%
EPS Next 2Y15.61%
EPS Next 3Y17.5%
EPS Next 5YN/A
Revenue 1Y (TTM)-4.73%
Revenue growth 3Y15.19%
Revenue growth 5Y11.06%
Sales Q2Q%-15.62%
Revenue Next Year-83.18%
Revenue Next 2Y-55.75%
Revenue Next 3Y-38.48%
Revenue Next 5YN/A
EBIT growth 1Y25.89%
EBIT growth 3Y26.86%
EBIT growth 5Y17.86%
EBIT Next Year754.34%
EBIT Next 3Y61.94%
FCF growth 1Y-32.69%
FCF growth 3YN/A
FCF growth 5YN/A
OCF growth 1Y-28.11%
OCF growth 3Y-8.27%
OCF growth 5Y4.59%