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ACCOR SA (ACR.DE) Stock Fundamental Analysis

FRA:ACR - Deutsche Boerse Ag - FR0000120404 - Common Stock - Currency: EUR

46.78  -1.53 (-3.17%)

Fundamental Rating


Overall ACR gets a fundamental rating of 5 out of 10. We evaluated ACR against 55 industry peers in the Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure industry. ACR has only an average score on both its financial health and profitability. ACR is quite expensive at the moment. It does show a decent growth rate.

Dividend Valuation Growth Profitability Health


1. Profitability

1.1 Basic Checks

ACR had positive earnings in the past year.
In the past year ACR had a positive cash flow from operations.
ACR had positive earnings in 4 of the past 5 years.
In multiple years ACR reported negative operating cash flow during the last 5 years.
ACR.DE Yearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCFACR.DE Yearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCFYearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0 1B -1B 2B -2B

1.2 Ratios

ACR has a better Return On Assets (4.77%) than 63.64% of its industry peers.
Looking at the Return On Equity, with a value of 11.43%, ACR is in the better half of the industry, outperforming 70.91% of the companies in the same industry.
The Return On Invested Capital of ACR (7.23%) is better than 61.82% of its industry peers.
The Average Return On Invested Capital over the past 3 years for ACR is significantly below the industry average of 11.55%.
The 3 year average ROIC (6.13%) for ACR is below the current ROIC(7.23%), indicating increased profibility in the last year.
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 4.77%
ROE 11.43%
ROIC 7.23%
ACR.DE Yearly ROA, ROE, ROICACR.DE Yearly ROA, ROE, ROICYearly ROA, ROE, ROIC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0 20 -20 -40

1.3 Margins

ACR has a better Profit Margin (10.26%) than 70.91% of its industry peers.
In the last couple of years the Profit Margin of ACR has remained more or less at the same level.
ACR has a Operating Margin of 13.90%. This is in the better half of the industry: ACR outperforms 70.91% of its industry peers.
ACR's Operating Margin has improved in the last couple of years.
Industry RankSector Rank
OM 13.9%
PM (TTM) 10.26%
OM growth 3YN/A
OM growth 5Y2.51%
PM growth 3Y66.38%
PM growth 5Y-0.35%
GM growth 3YN/A
GM growth 5YN/A
ACR.DE Yearly Profit, Operating, Gross MarginsACR.DE Yearly Profit, Operating, Gross MarginsYearly Profit, Operating, Gross Margins 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0 50 -50 -100


2. Health

2.1 Basic Checks

The Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) is just above the Cost of Capital (WACC), so ACR is still creating some value.
Compared to 1 year ago, ACR has less shares outstanding
The number of shares outstanding for ACR has been reduced compared to 5 years ago.
Compared to 1 year ago, ACR has a worse debt to assets ratio.
ACR.DE Yearly Shares OutstandingACR.DE Yearly Shares OutstandingYearly Shares Outstanding 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 50M 100M 150M 200M 250M
ACR.DE Yearly Total Debt VS Total AssetsACR.DE Yearly Total Debt VS Total AssetsYearly Total Debt VS Total Assets 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2B 4B 6B 8B 10B

2.2 Solvency

Based on the Altman-Z score of 1.74, we must say that ACR is in the distress zone and has some risk of bankruptcy.
The Altman-Z score of ACR (1.74) is better than 61.82% of its industry peers.
ACR has a debt to FCF ratio of 7.88. This is a slightly negative value and a sign of low solvency as ACR would need 7.88 years to pay back of all of its debts.
Looking at the Debt to FCF ratio, with a value of 7.88, ACR is in line with its industry, outperforming 49.09% of the companies in the same industry.
ACR has a Debt/Equity ratio of 0.63. This is a neutral value indicating ACR is somewhat dependend on debt financing.
The Debt to Equity ratio of ACR (0.63) is better than 69.09% of its industry peers.
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 0.63
Debt/FCF 7.88
Altman-Z 1.74
ACR.DE Yearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCFACR.DE Yearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCFYearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0 2B -2B 4B 6B

2.3 Liquidity

ACR has a Current Ratio of 1.05. This is a normal value and indicates that ACR is financially healthy and should not expect problems in meeting its short term obligations.
ACR has a Current ratio (1.05) which is in line with its industry peers.
A Quick Ratio of 1.04 indicates that ACR should not have too much problems paying its short term obligations.
Looking at the Quick ratio, with a value of 1.04, ACR is in the better half of the industry, outperforming 61.82% of the companies in the same industry.
Industry RankSector Rank
Current Ratio 1.05
Quick Ratio 1.04
ACR.DE Yearly Current Assets VS Current LiabilitesACR.DE Yearly Current Assets VS Current LiabilitesYearly Current Assets VS Current Liabilites 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1B 2B 3B


3. Growth

3.1 Past

The Earnings Per Share has been growing slightly by 5.28% over the past year.
The Earnings Per Share has been growing by 8.69% on average over the past years. This is quite good.
ACR shows quite a strong growth in Revenue. In the last year, the Revenue has grown by 10.88%.
Measured over the past years, ACR shows a small growth in Revenue. The Revenue has been growing by 6.72% on average per year.
EPS 1Y (TTM)5.28%
EPS 3Y135.01%
EPS 5Y8.69%
EPS Q2Q%2.62%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)10.88%
Revenue growth 3Y36.5%
Revenue growth 5Y6.72%
Sales Q2Q%10.28%

3.2 Future

Based on estimates for the next years, ACR will show a quite strong growth in Earnings Per Share. The EPS will grow by 15.51% on average per year.
ACR is expected to show a small growth in Revenue. In the coming years, the Revenue will grow by 6.76% yearly.
EPS Next Y11.52%
EPS Next 2Y12.27%
EPS Next 3Y13.73%
EPS Next 5Y15.51%
Revenue Next Year7.16%
Revenue Next 2Y6.63%
Revenue Next 3Y6.29%
Revenue Next 5Y6.76%

3.3 Evolution

The EPS growth rate is accelerating: in the next years the growth will be better than in the last years.
The Revenue growth rate is stable: in the next years the growth will be about the same than in the last years.
ACR.DE Yearly Revenue VS EstimatesACR.DE Yearly Revenue VS EstimatesYearly Revenue VS Estimates 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2B 4B 6B 8B
ACR.DE Yearly EPS VS EstimatesACR.DE Yearly EPS VS EstimatesYearly EPS VS Estimates 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 0 2 -2 4 -4 6


4. Valuation

4.1 Price/Earnings Ratio

ACR is valuated rather expensively with a Price/Earnings ratio of 20.08.
70.91% of the companies in the same industry are more expensive than ACR, based on the Price/Earnings ratio.
ACR is valuated rather cheaply when we compare the Price/Earnings ratio to 29.35, which is the current average of the S&P500 Index.
ACR is valuated rather expensively with a Price/Forward Earnings ratio of 18.20.
ACR's Price/Forward Earnings ratio is a bit cheaper when compared to the industry. ACR is cheaper than 67.27% of the companies in the same industry.
When comparing the Price/Forward Earnings ratio of ACR to the average of the S&P500 Index (22.10), we can say ACR is valued inline with the index average.
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 20.08
Fwd PE 18.2
ACR.DE Price Earnings VS Forward Price EarningsACR.DE Price Earnings VS Forward Price Earnings ChartPrice Earnings - Forward Price Earnings PE FPE 10 20 30 40

4.2 Price Multiples

Compared to the rest of the industry, the Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio of ACR is on the same level as its industry peers.
The rest of the industry has a similar Price/Free Cash Flow ratio as ACR.
Industry RankSector Rank
P/FCF 26.02
ACR.DE Per share dataACR.DE EPS, Sales, OCF, FCF, BookValue per sharePer Share Data Per Share 0 5 10 15 20

4.3 Compensation for Growth

The PEG Ratio(NY), which compensates the Price/Earnings for growth, indicates a correct valuation of the company.
A more expensive valuation may be justified as ACR's earnings are expected to grow with 13.73% in the coming years.
PEG (NY)1.74
PEG (5Y)2.31
EPS Next 2Y12.27%
EPS Next 3Y13.73%


5. Dividend

5.1 Amount

With a Yearly Dividend Yield of 2.68%, ACR has a reasonable but not impressive dividend return.
ACR's Dividend Yield is rather good when compared to the industry average which is at 2.93. ACR pays more dividend than 85.45% of the companies in the same industry.
Compared to an average S&P500 Dividend Yield of 2.33, ACR has a dividend comparable with the average S&P500 company.
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield 2.68%

5.2 History

The dividend of ACR has a limited annual growth rate of 2.40%.
Dividend Growth(5Y)2.4%
Div Incr Years1
Div Non Decr Years1
ACR.DE Yearly Dividends per shareACR.DE Yearly Dividends per shareYearly Dividends per share 2023 2024 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

5.3 Sustainability

ACR pays out 49.74% of its income as dividend. This is a bit on the high side, but may be sustainable.
The dividend of ACR is growing, but earnings are growing more, so the dividend growth is sustainable.
EPS Next 2Y12.27%
EPS Next 3Y13.73%
ACR.DE Yearly Income VS Free CF VS DividendACR.DE Yearly Income VS Free CF VS DividendYearly Income VS Free CF VS Dividend 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0 1B -1B 2B -2B
ACR.DE Dividend Payout.ACR.DE Dividend Payout, showing the Payout Ratio.ACR.DE Dividend Payout.PayoutRetained Earnings


FRA:ACR (3/6/2025, 7:00:00 PM)


-1.53 (-3.17%)

Chartmill FA Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Discretionary
GICS IndustryGroupConsumer Services
GICS IndustryHotels, Restaurants & Leisure
Earnings (Last)02-20 2025-02-20/amc
Earnings (Next)04-23 2025-04-23
Inst Owners60.44%
Inst Owner ChangeN/A
Ins Owners0.21%
Ins Owner ChangeN/A
Market Cap11.40B
Price Target55.19 (17.98%)
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield 2.68%
Yearly Dividend1.15
Dividend Growth(5Y)2.4%
Div Incr Years1
Div Non Decr Years1
Surprises & Revisions
EPS beat(2)N/A
Avg EPS beat(2)N/A
Min EPS beat(2)N/A
Max EPS beat(2)N/A
EPS beat(4)N/A
Avg EPS beat(4)N/A
Min EPS beat(4)N/A
Max EPS beat(4)N/A
EPS beat(8)N/A
Avg EPS beat(8)N/A
EPS beat(12)N/A
Avg EPS beat(12)N/A
EPS beat(16)N/A
Avg EPS beat(16)N/A
Revenue beat(2)N/A
Avg Revenue beat(2)N/A
Min Revenue beat(2)N/A
Max Revenue beat(2)N/A
Revenue beat(4)N/A
Avg Revenue beat(4)N/A
Min Revenue beat(4)N/A
Max Revenue beat(4)N/A
Revenue beat(8)N/A
Avg Revenue beat(8)N/A
Revenue beat(12)N/A
Avg Revenue beat(12)N/A
Revenue beat(16)N/A
Avg Revenue beat(16)N/A
PT rev (1m)4.33%
PT rev (3m)12.05%
EPS NQ rev (1m)N/A
EPS NQ rev (3m)N/A
EPS NY rev (1m)0.14%
EPS NY rev (3m)0.42%
Revenue NQ rev (1m)N/A
Revenue NQ rev (3m)N/A
Revenue NY rev (1m)1.64%
Revenue NY rev (3m)1.92%
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 20.08
Fwd PE 18.2
P/S 2.03
P/FCF 26.02
P/OCF 15.59
P/B 2.27
P/tB N/A
Fwd EY5.49%
PEG (NY)1.74
PEG (5Y)2.31
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 4.77%
ROE 11.43%
ROCE 8.43%
ROIC 7.23%
ROICexc 8.53%
ROICexgc 29.81%
OM 13.9%
PM (TTM) 10.26%
FCFM 7.81%
ROICexcg growth 3YN/A
ROICexcg growth 5Y23.36%
ROICexc growth 3YN/A
ROICexc growth 5Y13.35%
OM growth 3YN/A
OM growth 5Y2.51%
PM growth 3Y66.38%
PM growth 5Y-0.35%
GM growth 3YN/A
GM growth 5YN/A
Asset Turnover0.46
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 0.63
Debt/FCF 7.88
Debt/EBITDA 2.81
Cap/Depr 85.92%
Cap/Sales 5.23%
Interest Coverage 8.03
Cash Conversion 65.27%
Profit Quality 76.17%
Current Ratio 1.05
Quick Ratio 1.04
Altman-Z 1.74
Profit Quality(3y)87.03%
Profit Quality(5y)N/A
High Growth Momentum
EPS 1Y (TTM)5.28%
EPS 3Y135.01%
EPS 5Y8.69%
EPS Q2Q%2.62%
EPS Next Y11.52%
EPS Next 2Y12.27%
EPS Next 3Y13.73%
EPS Next 5Y15.51%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)10.88%
Revenue growth 3Y36.5%
Revenue growth 5Y6.72%
Sales Q2Q%10.28%
Revenue Next Year7.16%
Revenue Next 2Y6.63%
Revenue Next 3Y6.29%
Revenue Next 5Y6.76%
EBIT growth 1Y7.75%
EBIT growth 3YN/A
EBIT growth 5Y9.4%
EBIT Next Year47.7%
EBIT Next 3Y21.34%
EBIT Next 5Y15.26%
FCF growth 1Y-1.35%
FCF growth 3YN/A
FCF growth 5YN/A
OCF growth 1Y4.73%
OCF growth 3YN/A
OCF growth 5Y32.65%