Decent Value Stocks. Analyze the stocks with a good fundamental valuation, while still showing decent profitability, health and growth.


Nasdaq / Health Care / Biotechnology

Fundamental Rating


Overall EXEL gets a fundamental rating of 7 out of 10. We evaluated EXEL against 569 industry peers in the Biotechnology industry. EXEL scores excellent points on both the profitability and health parts. This is a solid base for a good stock. EXEL is valued quite cheap, while showing a decent growth score. This is a good combination! This makes EXEL very considerable for value and quality investing!


1. Profitability

1.1 Basic Checks

EXEL had positive earnings in the past year.
In the past year EXEL had a positive cash flow from operations.
EXEL had positive earnings in each of the past 5 years.
In the past 5 years EXEL always reported a positive cash flow from operatings.

1.2 Ratios

EXEL has a Return On Assets of 15.77%. This is amongst the best in the industry. EXEL outperforms 98.41% of its industry peers.
With an excellent Return On Equity value of 20.52%, EXEL belongs to the best of the industry, outperforming 97.71% of the companies in the same industry.
EXEL's Return On Invested Capital of 18.78% is amongst the best of the industry. EXEL outperforms 97.88% of its industry peers.
Measured over the past 3 years, the Average Return On Invested Capital for EXEL is significantly below the industry average of 15.31%.
The last Return On Invested Capital (18.78%) for EXEL is above the 3 year average (7.03%), which is a sign of increasing profitability.
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 15.77%
ROE 20.52%
ROIC 18.78%

1.3 Margins

EXEL has a Profit Margin of 22.43%. This is amongst the best in the industry. EXEL outperforms 97.71% of its industry peers.
In the last couple of years the Profit Margin of EXEL has declined.
Looking at the Operating Margin, with a value of 29.22%, EXEL belongs to the top of the industry, outperforming 98.41% of the companies in the same industry.
In the last couple of years the Operating Margin of EXEL has declined.
EXEL's Gross Margin of 96.25% is amongst the best of the industry. EXEL outperforms 96.65% of its industry peers.
In the last couple of years the Gross Margin of EXEL has remained more or less at the same level.
Industry RankSector Rank
OM 29.22%
PM (TTM) 22.43%
GM 96.25%
OM growth 3Y-5.74%
OM growth 5Y-28.9%
PM growth 3Y0.09%
PM growth 5Y-32.47%
GM growth 3Y-0.1%
GM growth 5Y-0.18%


2. Health

2.1 Basic Checks

EXEL has a Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), which is well above the Cost of Capital (WACC), which means it is creating value.
Compared to 1 year ago, EXEL has less shares outstanding
The number of shares outstanding for EXEL has been increased compared to 5 years ago.
There is no outstanding debt for EXEL. This means it has a Debt/Equity and Debt/FCF ratio of 0 and it is amongst the best of the sector and industry.

2.2 Solvency

EXEL has an Altman-Z score of 10.72. This indicates that EXEL is financially healthy and has little risk of bankruptcy at the moment.
EXEL has a better Altman-Z score (10.72) than 85.71% of its industry peers.
There is no outstanding debt for EXEL. This means it has a Debt/Equity and Debt/FCF ratio of 0 and it is amongst the best of the sector and industry.
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 0
Debt/FCF 0
Altman-Z 10.72

2.3 Liquidity

A Current Ratio of 3.93 indicates that EXEL has no problem at all paying its short term obligations.
EXEL has a Current ratio (3.93) which is in line with its industry peers.
A Quick Ratio of 3.88 indicates that EXEL has no problem at all paying its short term obligations.
EXEL has a Quick ratio of 3.88. This is comparable to the rest of the industry: EXEL outperforms 46.74% of its industry peers.
Industry RankSector Rank
Current Ratio 3.93
Quick Ratio 3.88


3. Growth

3.1 Past

EXEL shows a strong growth in Earnings Per Share. In the last year, the EPS has been growing by 485.71%, which is quite impressive.
The earnings per share for EXEL have been decreasing by -14.85% on average. This is quite bad
The Revenue has grown by 17.31% in the past year. This is quite good.
EXEL shows quite a strong growth in Revenue. Measured over the last years, the Revenue has been growing by 16.47% yearly.
EPS 1Y (TTM)485.71%
EPS 3Y22.28%
EPS 5Y-14.85%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)17.31%
Revenue growth 3Y22.83%
Revenue growth 5Y16.47%
Sales Q2Q%14.33%

3.2 Future

The Earnings Per Share is expected to grow by 35.45% on average over the next years. This is a very strong growth
EXEL is expected to show a small growth in Revenue. In the coming years, the Revenue will grow by 7.86% yearly.
EPS Next Y174.15%
EPS Next 2Y64.62%
EPS Next 3Y52.75%
EPS Next 5Y35.45%
Revenue Next Year17.97%
Revenue Next 2Y9.45%
Revenue Next 3Y10.1%
Revenue Next 5Y7.86%

3.3 Evolution

The EPS growth rate is accelerating: in the next years the growth will be better than in the last years.
When comparing the Revenue growth rate of the last years to the growth rate of the upcoming years, we see that the growth is decreasing.


4. Valuation

4.1 Price/Earnings Ratio

EXEL is valuated rather expensively with a Price/Earnings ratio of 21.71.
Based on the Price/Earnings ratio, EXEL is valued cheaper than 95.24% of the companies in the same industry.
EXEL is valuated rather cheaply when we compare the Price/Earnings ratio to 29.20, which is the current average of the S&P500 Index.
Based on the Price/Forward Earnings ratio of 20.53, the valuation of EXEL can be described as rather expensive.
Based on the Price/Forward Earnings ratio, EXEL is valued cheaply inside the industry as 94.71% of the companies are valued more expensively.
When comparing the Price/Forward Earnings ratio of EXEL to the average of the S&P500 Index (24.00), we can say EXEL is valued inline with the index average.
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 21.71
Fwd PE 20.53

4.2 Price Multiples

Based on the Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio, EXEL is valued cheaply inside the industry as 97.00% of the companies are valued more expensively.
EXEL's Price/Free Cash Flow ratio is rather cheap when compared to the industry. EXEL is cheaper than 96.30% of the companies in the same industry.
Industry RankSector Rank
P/FCF 23.51

4.3 Compensation for Growth

EXEL's low PEG Ratio(NY), which compensates the Price/Earnings for growth, indicates a rather cheap valuation of the company.
The excellent profitability rating of EXEL may justify a higher PE ratio.
EXEL's earnings are expected to grow with 52.75% in the coming years. This may justify a more expensive valuation.
PEG (NY)0.12
EPS Next 2Y64.62%
EPS Next 3Y52.75%


5. Dividend

5.1 Amount

EXEL does not give a dividend.
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield N/A