Relative Strength Screener

Relative Strength Screener Image

Stocks that have outperformed tend to continue outperforming. This screen identifies stocks with RS of 80 or higher with a trend that is gaining momentum.

Stock Screener Settings

ADX: ADX(14) Above 20

Strong trend starts at 25

ADX: ADX(14) Rising

Strengthening Trend

sma5: SMA(5) Above SMA(10)

Confirming short term trend

Exchange: US Only

Just a preference

sma10: SMA(10) Above SMA(20)

Confirming the short term trend


Top Technical Analysis

Price VS SMA: Price Above SMA(200)

Confirming the long term trend

Weekly EMA/SMA: EMA(26 Weeks) Rising

Long term uptrend

Average Volume: 50 SMA > 500K

Average volume under 500K tend to be illiquid


Solid Setups

Historical Relative Strength: Near New RS 13 Week High

Possible breakout

Market Cap: At least Small (300M+)

Microcaps under 300M tend to be very volatile

sma50: SMA(50) Above SMA(150)

Confirming the medium trend

Weekly EMA/SMA: EMA(13 Weeks) Rising

Medium term uptrend


Top 20% of RS stocks

Chart Settings


Regional Run

Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.