Quality Dividend Growth

Quality Dividend Growth Image

Select High Quality Large caps > 2BLN with growing dividend and fair valuation

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Dividend Stock Versus Growth Stocks | Discover What Fits You Best

Choosing between dividend stocks and growth stocks is an important consideration for investors looking to build or diversify their portfolios. Both types of stocks offer unique advantages and carry different risks.

Stock Screener Settings

PEG (5Y)>=0.5

Check for positive 5Years PEG ratio

Dividend Growth(5Y)>=10%

Select companies which manage to grow their dividend overtime

Market Cap: At least Mid (2B+)

Filter Large Caps

MACD: Weekly MACD(12,26,9) Above 0

LongTerm weekly Momentum filter

Fwd PE<=40

Filter out overpriced stocks

Revenue 1Y (TTM)>=5%

Filter growing businesses

Chart Settings

Daily Candles

Regional Run

Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.