Nhat Hoai Trader stocks

Nhat Hoai Trader stocks Image

stocks that meet Mark Minervini's criteria and are consolidating

Stock Screener Settings

sma50: SMA(50) Above SMA(150)

within stage 2 uptrend

Price VS SMA: Price Above SMA(200)

within stage 2 uptrend


within stage 2 uptrend

sma50: SMA(50) Above SMA(200)

within stage 2 uptrend

sma200: SMA(200) Rising

within stage 2 uptrend


within stage 2 uptrend

Exchange: US Only

us stocks

Type: Common Stock Only

common stocks

Price VS SMA: Price Above SMA(150)

within stage 2 uptrend


within stage 2 uptrend

sma150: SMA(150) Above SMA(200)

within stage 2 uptrend

EPS growth Q2Q>=5%

eps growth

ADX: ADX(14) Falling


Revenue growth Q2Q>=5%

revenue growth

Chart Settings

daily ohlc

Regional Run

Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.