US0235861004 - Common Stock

67.64  +0.74 (+1.11%)

After market: 67.64 0 (0%)


NYSE:UHAL (1/13/2025, 4:15:00 PM)

After market: 67.64 0 (0%)


+0.74 (+1.11%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorIndustrials
GICS IndustryGround Transportation
GICS SubIndustryCargo Ground Transportation
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-40.91%
Sales Q2Q%0.5%
6 Month3.84%
Earnings (Last)11-06 2024-11-06/amc
Earnings (Next)02-05 2025-02-05/amc
Ins Owners6.66%
Inst Owners37.04%
Market Cap13.26B
Fwd PE18.37
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %20.16%
Short Ratio14.12
IPO03-31 1994-03-31
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Company Profile

U-Haul Holding Co. engages in the insurance and moving and storage businesses. The company is headquartered in Reno, Nevada and currently employs 16,744 full-time employees. Its primary focus is to provide its customers with a selection of moving rental equipment, convenient self-storage rental facilities and portable moving and storage units and related moving and self-storage products and services. Its segments include Moving and Storage, Property and Casualty Insurance and Life Insurance. The Moving and Storage segment consists of the rental of trucks and trailers, sales of moving supplies, towing accessories, and propane and the rental of fixed and portable moving and storage units to the do-it-yourself mover and management of self-storage properties owned by others. Its Property and Casualty Insurance segment provides loss adjusting and claims handling for U-Haul through regional offices in the United States and Canada. The Life Insurance segment provides life and health insurance products primarily for the senior market.

Company Info


5555 Kietzke Lane Ste 100

Reno NEVADA 89511

P: 17756886300

CEO: Edward J. Shoen

Employees: 26068

Website: https://www.amerco.com/

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