The percentage change of the estimate for the next quarterly report, over the last month
The percentage change of the estimate for the next quarterly report, over the last 3 months
The percentage change of the estimate for the next yearly report, over the last month
The percentage change of the estimate for the next yearly report, over the last 3 months
data reported in financial statements
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 17157000
Maximum Estimate: 19950000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 29400000
Maximum Estimate: 32550000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 49000000
Maximum Estimate: 63000000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -26161100
Maximum Estimate: -26565000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -21609000
Maximum Estimate: -16695000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3106600
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.49
Maximum Estimate: -0.5
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.36
Maximum Estimate: -0.38
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.19
Maximum Estimate: -0.16
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.09
Maximum Estimate: -0.07
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.13
Maximum Estimate: -0.12
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.11
Maximum Estimate: -0.1
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.09
Maximum Estimate: -0.09
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.06
Maximum Estimate: -0.04
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.06
Maximum Estimate: -0.06
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.04
Maximum Estimate: -0.04
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.03
Maximum Estimate: -0.03
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 8820000
Maximum Estimate: 10920000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 3430000
Maximum Estimate: 3675000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 5390000
Maximum Estimate: 5775000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 7840000
Maximum Estimate: 8925000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 12740000
Maximum Estimate: 14175000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 11760000
Maximum Estimate: 12600000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 14700000
Maximum Estimate: 15750000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 15680000
Maximum Estimate: 16800000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 16660000
Maximum Estimate: 17850000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3528000
Maximum Estimate: -3097500
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -7840000
Maximum Estimate: -7980000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -6566000
Maximum Estimate: -6457500
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -5243000
Maximum Estimate: -4646250
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -1960000
Maximum Estimate: -892500