The percentage change of the estimate for the next quarterly report, over the last month
The percentage change of the estimate for the next quarterly report, over the last 3 months
The percentage change of the estimate for the next yearly report, over the last month
The percentage change of the estimate for the next yearly report, over the last 3 months
data reported in financial statements
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.03
Maximum Estimate: -0.03
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.02
Maximum Estimate: -0.02
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.01
Maximum Estimate: -0.01
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.01
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.01
Maximum Estimate: 0.01
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 882000
Maximum Estimate: 945000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 529200
Maximum Estimate: 567000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 2940000
Maximum Estimate: 3150000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 6292000
Maximum Estimate: 6741000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 9349000
Maximum Estimate: 26775000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 10055000
Maximum Estimate: 37905000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 11760000
Maximum Estimate: 50190000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 14156000
Maximum Estimate: 64470000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 15426000
Maximum Estimate: 81690000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -4900000
Maximum Estimate: -5250000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3045840
Maximum Estimate: -3263400
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3905300
Maximum Estimate: -4184250
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3274180
Maximum Estimate: -3508050
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3724000
Maximum Estimate: -2995125
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -2156000
Maximum Estimate: -1829625
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -122500
Maximum Estimate: 91875
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 345940
Maximum Estimate: 1603000
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 1054000
Maximum Estimate: 3767000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -4998000
Maximum Estimate: -5355000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3682840
Maximum Estimate: -3945900
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -4542300
Maximum Estimate: -4866750
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3911180
Maximum Estimate: -4190550
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -4998000
Maximum Estimate: -4018875
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -3920000
Maximum Estimate: -3378375
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -1960000
Maximum Estimate: -1719375
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -781060
Maximum Estimate: -575925
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -73500
Maximum Estimate: 1116000