The percentage change of the estimate for the next quarterly report, over the last month
The percentage change of the estimate for the next quarterly report, over the last 3 months
The percentage change of the estimate for the next yearly report, over the last month
The percentage change of the estimate for the next yearly report, over the last 3 months
data reported in financial statements
This is the average result from: 9 analysts
This is the average result from: 9 analysts
Maximum Estimate: 101000000
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 1024000
Maximum Estimate: 63836000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 23926000
Maximum Estimate: 139740000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 99728000
Maximum Estimate: 294320000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 198580000
Maximum Estimate: 455920000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 319870000
Maximum Estimate: 572660000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 514220000
Maximum Estimate: 712890000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 728940000
Maximum Estimate: 840540000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -40376000
Maximum Estimate: -43260000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -19600000
Maximum Estimate: -21000000
This is the average result from: 3 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -17934000
Maximum Estimate: -19215000
This is the average result from: 9 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -41650000
Maximum Estimate: -34266960
This is the average result from: 9 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -45690295
Maximum Estimate: -8820840
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -46757250.4
Maximum Estimate: -16958424
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -63069826.1
Maximum Estimate: 48861000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -21971193.62
Maximum Estimate: 181470000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 35077000
Maximum Estimate: 292120000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 124500000
Maximum Estimate: 410190000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 278780000
Maximum Estimate: 568690000
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 463420000
Maximum Estimate: 687520000
This is the average result from: 8 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.05
Maximum Estimate: -0.04
This is the average result from: 8 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.76
Maximum Estimate: 0.09
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.06
This is the average result from: 4 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.08
Maximum Estimate: 0.05
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.03
Maximum Estimate: 0.2
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 0.05
Maximum Estimate: 0.29
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 0.15
Maximum Estimate: 0.39
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 0.32
Maximum Estimate: 0.55
This is the average result from: 5 analysts
Minimum Estimate: 0.35
Maximum Estimate: 0.66
This is the average result from: 8 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.02
Maximum Estimate: -0.01
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.02
Maximum Estimate: 0.07
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.02
Maximum Estimate: 0.05
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.76
Maximum Estimate: -0.01
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -0.02
Maximum Estimate: -0.01
This is the average result from: 8 analysts
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Maximum Estimate: 62588000
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Maximum Estimate: 38416000
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
This is the average result from: 7 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -9277660
Maximum Estimate: -8907895.5
This is the average result from: 6 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -9214381.4
Maximum Estimate: 13967000
This is the average result from: 6 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -9214381.4
Maximum Estimate: 634126.5
This is the average result from: 6 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -9595140.8
Maximum Estimate: -9154887
This is the average result from: 6 analysts
Minimum Estimate: -10038345.8
Maximum Estimate: -9970579.5