
3.61  +0.21 (+6.18%)


NASDAQ:MMLP (1/15/2025, 11:53:27 AM)


+0.21 (+6.18%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorEnergy
GICS IndustryOil, Gas & Consumable Fuels
GICS SubIndustryOil & Gas Storage & Transportation
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-166.67%
Sales Q2Q%-3.26%
6 Month-6.59%
Earnings (Last)10-16 2024-10-16/amc
Earnings (Next)02-12 2025-02-12/amc
Ins Owners2.43%
Inst Owners38.29%
Market Cap140.79M
Fwd PE23.59
Dividend Yield0.62%
Short Float %0.26%
Short Ratio0.58
IPO11-01 2002-11-01
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Company Profile

Martin Midstream Partners LP engages in a diverse set of operations focused primarily in the United States Gulf Coast region. The company is headquartered in Kilgore, Texas and currently employs 1,619 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2002-11-01. Its operations are primarily focused on the Gulf Coast region of the United States. Its segments include Terminalling and Storage, Transportation, Sulfur services and Specialty products. The company owns or operates over 12 marine shore-based terminal facilities and nine specialty terminal facilities located primarily in the Gulf Coast region. Its Transportation segment operates a fleet of both land transportation and marine transportation assets that transport petroleum products and by-products, petrochemicals, and chemicals. The company processes and distributes sulfur produced by oil refineries primarily located in the Gulf Coast region. The Specialty Products segment specializes in the marketing, distribution, and transportation services for natural gas liquids, as well as blending and packaging services for specialty lubricants and grease.

Company Info


4200 Stone Rd

Kilgore TEXAS 75662

P: 19039836200

CEO: Robert D. Bondurant

Employees: 1619



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