CA29250N1050 - Common Stock

42.98  +0.55 (+1.3%)

After market: 43.0899 +0.11 (+0.26%)


NYSE:ENB (1/2/2025, 8:25:25 PM)

After market: 43.0899 +0.11 (+0.26%)


+0.55 (+1.3%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorEnergy
GICS IndustryOil, Gas & Consumable Fuels
GICS SubIndustryOil & Gas Storage & Transportation
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-11.29%
Sales Q2Q%51.18%
6 Month20.7%
Earnings (Last)11-01 2024-11-01/bmo
Earnings (Next)02-07 2025-02-07/amc
Ins Owners0.05%
Inst Owners54.84%
Market Cap93.62B
Fwd PE20.66
Dividend Yield6.27%
Short Float %0.87%
Short Ratio4.65
IPO10-30 2001-10-30
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Company Profile

Enbridge, Inc. engages in the provision of gas and oil. The company is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta and currently employs 11,500 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2001-10-30. The Company’s segments include Liquids Pipelines, Gas Transmission, Gas Distribution and Storage and Renewable Power Generation. The Liquids Pipelines include marketing of crude oil and consist of pipelines and terminals in Canada and the United States that transport and export various grades of crude oil and other liquid hydrocarbons. The Gas Transmission consists of its investments in natural gas pipelines and gathering and processing facilities in Canada and the United States. The Gas Distribution and Storage consists of its natural gas utility operations. The Renewable Power Generation consists of investments in wind and solar assets, geothermal, waste heat recovery, and transmission assets. The firm owns Questar Gas utility, Enbridge Gas North Carolina utility, Aitken Creek Gas Storage facility and Aitken Creek North Gas Storage facility.

Company Info


200, Fifth Avenue Place, 425 - 1st Street S.W

Calgary ALBERTA T2P 3L8

P: 14032313900

CEO: Al Monaco

Employees: 11500

Website: https://www.enbridge.com/

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