US39874R1014 - Common Stock

15.67  -0.63 (-3.87%)

After market: 15.67 0 (0%)


NASDAQ:GO (1/3/2025, 8:00:01 PM)

After market: 15.67 0 (0%)


-0.63 (-3.87%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Staples
GICS IndustryConsumer Staples Distribution & Retail
GICS SubIndustryFood Retail
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-9.68%
Sales Q2Q%10.39%
6 Month-28.81%
Earnings (Last)11-05 2024-11-05/amc
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins Owners3.71%
Inst Owners111.74%
Market Cap1.52B
Fwd PE16.13
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %8.58%
Short Ratio3.91
IPO06-20 2019-06-20
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Company Profile

Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. engages in the operation of retail stores in the United States. The company is headquartered in Emeryville, California and currently employs 901 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2019-06-20. The firm operates over 470 stores in California, Washington, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Nevada, Maryland, New Jersey and Ohio. Its product offering includes staples, across grocery, refrigerated and frozen foods, beer and wine, fresh meat and seafood, and health and beauty care, others. The company distributes inventory through eight primary distribution centers, three of which it operates and five of which are operated by third parties. The company has an in-house transportation fleet, as well as transportation partner relationships. The company also owns United Grocery Outlet, a closeout grocery retailer with over 40 stores in Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, and Virginia. The company is focused on centralized marketing efforts primarily on digital ads, emailed WOW! Alerts, social media and radio commercials, and in-store and outdoor signage.

Company Info


5650 Hollis St

Emeryville CALIFORNIA 94608

P: 15108451999

CEO: Eric J. Lindberg

Employees: 949


GO News

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