KYG254571055 - Common Stock

73.02  -2.26 (-3%)

After market: 73.1 +0.08 (+0.11%)


NASDAQ:CRDO (1/8/2025, 8:00:00 PM)

After market: 73.1 +0.08 (+0.11%)


-2.26 (-3%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorInformation Technology
GICS IndustrySemiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment
GICS SubIndustrySemiconductors
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%600%
Sales Q2Q%63.57%
6 Month136.54%
Earnings (Last)12-02 2024-12-02/amc
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins Owners16.08%
Inst Owners75%
Market Cap12.21B
Fwd PE70.54
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %5.06%
Short Ratio2.04
IPO01-27 2022-01-27
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Company Profile

Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd. engages in the development of connectivity solutions and products for the data infrastructure market. The firm delivers high-speed solutions to break bandwidth barriers on every wired connection in the data infrastructure market. The company provides high-speed connectivity solutions that deliver improved power efficiency as data rates and corresponding bandwidth requirements increase exponentially throughout the data infrastructure market. Its connectivity solutions are optimized for optical and electrical Ethernet applications, including the emerging 100 gigabits per second (G), 200G, 400G, 800G and the emerging 1.6 terabits per second (T) port markets. Its products are based on its Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes) and Digital Signal Processor (DSP) technologies. Its product families include integrated circuits (ICs) for the optical and line card markets, active electrical cables (AECs) and SerDes Chiplets. The Company’s intellectual property (IP) solutions consist primarily of SerDes IP licensing.

Company Info


C/O Maples Corporate Services, Limited, Po Box 309, Ugland House

George Town

P: 14086649329

Employees: 500



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