NYSE:BORR - New York Stock Exchange, Inc. - BMG1466R1732 - Common Stock - Currency: USD
-0.09 (-3.42%)
The current stock price of BORR is 2.54 USD. In the past month the price decreased by -25.51%. In the past year, price decreased by -58.97%.
Symbol | Name | TA | FA | PE | Market Cap |
NE | NOBLE CORP PLC | 11.21 | 4.15B | ||
PTEN | PATTERSON-UTI ENERGY INC | 207.75 | 3.21B | ||
HP | HELMERICH & PAYNE | 8.21 | 2.63B | ||
RIG | TRANSOCEAN LTD | N/A | 2.58B | ||
VAL | VALARIS LTD | 6.95 | 2.54B | ||
SDRL | SEADRILL LIMITED | 8.32 | 1.75B | ||
PDS | PRECISION DRILLING CORP | 9.74 | 685.97M | ||
Borr Drilling Ltd. engages in the provision of offshore drilling services to the oil and gas industry. The Company’s primary business is the ownership, contracting and operation of jack-up rigs for operations in shallow-water areas (in water depths up to approximately 400 feet), including the provision of related equipment and work crews to conduct oil and gas drilling and workover operations for exploration and production customers. The company owns approximately 22 rigs with an additional two jack-up rigs. Its rigs include Skald, Groa, Idun, Thor, Norve, Gerd, Natt, Ran, Odin, Gersemi, Grid, Galar, Njord, Prospector 1, Saga, Prospector 5, Mist, Gunnlod, Frigg, Gyme, Arabia I, and Arabia II. The company operates oil-producing geographies throughout the world, including the North Sea, Mexico, West Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. The firm contracts its jack-up rigs primarily on a daily rate basis to drill wells for its customers.
S.E. Pearman Building, 2nd Floor 9 Par-La-Ville Road
Hamilton HM 11 BM
CEO: Patrick Schorn
Employees: 1884
Company Website: https://borrdrilling.com/
Investor Relations: http://borrdrilling.com/investor-relations/
Phone: 14722483000
The current stock price of BORR is 2.54 USD. The price decreased by -3.42% in the last trading session.
The exchange symbol of BORR DRILLING LTD is BORR and it is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. exchange.
BORR stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. exchange.
14 analysts have analysed BORR and the average price target is 6.54 USD. This implies a price increase of 157.54% is expected in the next year compared to the current price of 2.54. Check the BORR DRILLING LTD stock analysts ratings, price target forecast and up-and down grades for more detailed information.
BORR DRILLING LTD (BORR) has a market capitalization of 670.76M USD. This makes BORR a Small Cap stock.
BORR DRILLING LTD (BORR) currently has 1884 employees.
BORR DRILLING LTD (BORR) has a resistance level at 3.11. Check the full technical report for a detailed analysis of BORR support and resistance levels.
The Revenue of BORR DRILLING LTD (BORR) is expected to grow by 7.67% in the next year. Check the estimates tab for more information on the BORR EPS, Sales, EBIT and EBITDA future analyst estimates.
There is no straightforward answer here. It depends on your investment strategy as different types of investors will look at different aspects. In any case it is important to make an informed decision and these pages can help you forming an opinion:
BORR DRILLING LTD (BORR) has a dividend yield of 10.27%. The yearly dividend amount is currently 0. Check the full fundamental report for a detailed analysis of BORR dividend history, reliability and sustainability.
The PE ratio for BORR DRILLING LTD (BORR) is 7.94. This is based on the reported non-GAAP earnings per share of 0.32 and the current share price of 2.54 USD. Check the full fundamental report for a full analysis of the valuation metrics for BORR.
The outstanding short interest for BORR DRILLING LTD (BORR) is 9.88% of its float. Check the ownership tab for more information on the BORR short interest.
ChartMill assigns a fundamental rating of 3 / 10 to BORR. BORR may be in some trouble as it scores bad on both profitability and health.
Over the last trailing twelve months BORR reported a non-GAAP Earnings per Share(EPS) of 0.32. The EPS increased by 300% compared to the year before.
Industry Rank | Sector Rank | ||
PM (TTM) | 8.8% | ||
ROA | 2.55% | ||
ROE | 8.62% | ||
Debt/Equity | 1.91 |
ChartMill assigns a Buy % Consensus number of 84% to BORR. The Buy consensus is the average rating of analysts ratings from 14 analysts.
For the next year, analysts expect an EPS growth of 161.37% and a revenue growth 7.67% for BORR