FRA:1NBA - Deutsche Boerse Ag - BE0974293251 - Common Stock - Currency: EUR
FRA:1NBA (3/7/2025, 7:00:00 PM)
+0.48 (+0.83%)
The current stock price of 1NBA.DE is 58.24 EUR. In the past month the price increased by 19.17%. In the past year, price increased by 2.81%.
Symbol | Name | TA | FA | PE | Market Cap |
ABI.BR | ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 18.04 | 113.98B | ||
1ABI.MI | ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV | 17.51 | 113.30B | ||
HEIA.AS | HEINEKEN NV | 46.76 | 46.86B | ||
HEIO.AS | HEINEKEN HOLDING NV | 40.03 | 20.29B | ||
Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV operates as a holding company, which engages in the manufacture and distribution of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The company is headquartered in Leuven (Louvain), Vlaams-Brabant and currently employs 154,540 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2016-10-11. The firm is primarily engaged in the manufacturing of beer. The firm operates through six segments: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA, Asia Pacific, Global Export and Holding companies. The firm's brand portfolio includes global brands, such as Budweiser, Corona and Stella Artois; international brands, including Beck's, Leffe and Hoegaarden, and local champions, such as Bud Light, Skol, Brahma, Antarctica, Quilmes, Victoria, Modelo Especial, Michelob Ultra, Harbin, Sedrin, Klinskoye, Sibirskaya Korona, Chernigivske, Cass and Jupiler. The firm's soft drinks business consists of both own production and agreements with PepsiCo related to bottling and distribution arrangements between its various subsidiaries and PepsiCo. Ambev, which is a subsidiary of the Company, is a PepsiCo bottler. Brands that are distributed under these agreements are Pepsi, 7UP and Gatorade.
Brouwerijplein 1B
Employees: 155000
Company Website:
Investor Relations:
Phone: 3216276111
The current stock price of 1NBA.DE is 58.24 EUR. The price increased by 0.83% in the last trading session.
The exchange symbol of ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV is 1NBA and it is listed on the Deutsche Boerse Ag exchange.
1NBA.DE stock is listed on the Deutsche Boerse Ag exchange.
34 analysts have analysed 1NBA.DE and the average price target is 70.88 EUR. This implies a price increase of 21.7% is expected in the next year compared to the current price of 58.24. Check the ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV stock analysts ratings, price target forecast and up-and down grades for more detailed information.
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV (1NBA.DE) has a market capitalization of 113.94B EUR. This makes 1NBA.DE a Large Cap stock.
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV (1NBA.DE) currently has 155000 employees.
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV (1NBA.DE) has a support level at 50.53 and a resistance level at 62.12. Check the full technical report for a detailed analysis of 1NBA.DE support and resistance levels.
The Revenue of ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV (1NBA.DE) is expected to grow by 1.44% in the next year. Check the estimates tab for more information on the 1NBA.DE EPS, Sales, EBIT and EBITDA future analyst estimates.
There is no straightforward answer here. It depends on your investment strategy as different types of investors will look at different aspects. In any case it is important to make an informed decision and these pages can help you forming an opinion:
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV (1NBA.DE) has a dividend yield of 0.99%. The yearly dividend amount is currently 1.4. Check the full fundamental report for a detailed analysis of 1NBA.DE dividend history, reliability and sustainability.
ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV (1NBA.DE) will report earnings on 2025-05-06, before the market open.
The PE ratio for ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV (1NBA.DE) is 18.03. This is based on the reported non-GAAP earnings per share of 3.23 and the current share price of 58.24 EUR. Check the full fundamental report for a full analysis of the valuation metrics for 1NBA.DE.
ChartMill assigns a technical rating of 6 / 10 to 1NBA.DE. When comparing the yearly performance of all stocks, 1NBA.DE is one of the better performing stocks in the market, outperforming 75.32% of all stocks.
ChartMill assigns a fundamental rating of 3 / 10 to 1NBA.DE. There are concerns on the financial health of 1NBA.DE while its profitability can be described as average.
Over the last trailing twelve months 1NBA.DE reported a non-GAAP Earnings per Share(EPS) of 3.23. The EPS increased by 15.08% compared to the year before.
Industry Rank | Sector Rank | ||
PM (TTM) | 9.89% | ||
ROA | 2.81% | ||
ROE | 7.55% | ||
Debt/Equity | 0.97 |
ChartMill assigns a Buy % Consensus number of 81% to 1NBA.DE. The Buy consensus is the average rating of analysts ratings from 34 analysts.
For the next year, analysts expect an EPS growth of 1.23% and a revenue growth 1.44% for 1NBA.DE