MEF Weekly Swing Screen

MEF Weekly Swing Screen Image

Attempting to identify stocks starting up for a short-term swing.

Stock Screener Settings

ST Trend: Neutral or Negative

Looking for start of uptrend.

Stochastics: Weekly Stochastics < 20

Looking for start of uptrend.

Relative Strength: CRS < 20

Looking for start of uptrend.

Chartmill Value: CVI < 4

Looking for start of uptrend.

Average Volume: 50 SMA > 1M


MACD: Weekly MACD(12,26,9) > 0

Looking for start of uptrend.

Chartmill TA Rating: Rating <= 3

Looking for start of uptrend.

LT Trend: Neutral or Negative

Looking for start of uptrend.

RSI: RSI(14) < 50

Looking for start of uptrend.

Force: Force Index Rising

Looking for start of uptrend.

Price: Above 1

Reduce volatility.

ATR in %: ATR > 4

Looking for start of uptrend.


Regional Run

Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.