Momentum Swing Trade

Momentum Swing Trade Image

A screener that screens for stocks with momentum.

Stock Screener Settings

Average Volume: 50 SMA > 200K

More fluidity

Market Cap: At least Mid (2B+)

More fluidity

EPS/Revenue acceleration: Sales acc. last Q

Stocks with Accelerating Sales usually perform better

sma50: SMA(50) Above SMA(150)

Indicates Momentum

Exchange: US Only

My personal preference

sma200: SMA(200) Rising

Indicates Momentum

Price VS SMA: Price Above SMA(50)

Indicates Momentum


Indicates Momentum

Price: Above 20

More volatility

sma150: SMA(150) Above SMA(200)

Indicates Momentum

Chart Settings

Daily Candles

Regional Run

Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.