The Filter is aimed to enter trade to have no more than 4% loss. All trades taken on this filter should have at least 1:2 ratio minimum gain or more. Its important to respect the stop loss rule. Overall the filter looks for leaders in the last 3 months with at least 20% or more gain (you can chang it to 30% during solid bull run). The 10 day SMA should be above 20 day SMA to indicate a short term and trend to a continued upside. with no earnings in the next 2 weeks guarantees no surprise gap down of the stock and makes the stock at least 2 week hold candidate. The stock should be on the up above 10 day SMA so that the entry is done on the up day.
To filter stocks with minimum of 300k will be a decently traded stock
To avoide any earnings gap down
Filter to indicate short term trend as bullish
Price above 5 chosen to filter out penny stocks
Short term trend is on the up and infer continued upside
Golden rule for all long entry. Buy long only when stock is above its 200 day SMA
Stock is upside in the last 1 quarter
To avoid any stock which is flat and trading dojis
To filter out stock which are not very extended and are only 4% from the 10day SMA gives a low stop loss risk.
A filter to enter a stock which is up on that day.
On your chart settings, include 10d sma, 20d sma, 200d sma, charmill support & resistance lines, Chartmill channel. As Kris shown in his videos, use 2 chart views first one with daily chart and second with weekly
Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.