MomentumScreener high volume

MomentumScreener high volume Image

Screen stocks that are in an longterm uptrend and high volume in the last 5 days

Stock Screener Settings

Trend Intensity: TI > 100

only stocks in an uptrend

Price: Above 1

no small stocks

SMA1: 100 SMA Rising

only stocks in an uptrend

SMA3: Price Near SMA 10

good entry point

Acc/Dist: 5DER > 2%

high volume

Average Volume: 50 SMA > 500K

no small stocks

Signal: Near 10 day High

only stocks in an uptrend

Volume Increase: 100% more last 5 days

high volume

SMA2: Price Above Rising SMA 50

good entry point

LT Trend: Neutral or Positive

only stocks in an uptrend

LEV: Above Rising 20 SMA

only stocks in an uptrend

Chart Settings

relevant data

Regional Run

Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.