Strong Stocks Nearing Resistance Line

Strong Stocks Nearing Resistance Line Image

Stocks with high relative strength, nearing a predefined resistance line (close < 3% from resistance)

Stock Screener Settings

Average Volume: 50 SMA > 500K

to ensure enough liquidity

Signal: Strong Stocks

A high relative strength and a consistent performance over the last year

Resistance: close 3% from R1

close to predefined resistance levels

Resistance Length: R1 Length > 50

The length of a line specifies how long the resistance is, expressed in the same unit as the time frame.

Resistance Strength: R1 Strength > 2

The strength is determined by measuring how many times the resistance line has been tested in the past.

Exchange/Fund: US Only

Personal Preference

Price: Above 5

Minimum Price filter


Regional Run

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