BMF - Institutions buying on Tight Short Term Consolidation

BMF - Institutions buying on Tight Short Term Consolidation Image

Institutions are buying these stocks in a Tight Short Term Consolidation. Visually confirm that Large Player is Volume is rising during the consolidation.

Stock Screener Settings

Mansfield RS: Weekly Above 1

Exclude stocks with poor relative strength

LEV: Above Rising 20 SMA

Institutional buying on the rise

Price: Above 5

Avoid low price stocks

Average Volume: 50 SMA > 500K

Avoid low volume stocks

Chartmill TA Rating: Rating >= 7

High quality technical stocks

Acc/Dist: 5DER > 3%

Institutional buying > 3% of total volume in past 5 days

LT Trend: Neutral or Positive

Avoid stocks in long term down trend

ATR in %: ATR < 3

This defines the consolidation

Performance1: 2 week < 2%

This defines the consolidation

Exchange: US Only

US securities only


Regional Run

Run this screen in your favorite region. You can always further fine tune the screen by changing the general settings after it opened in the screener.