US9426221019 - Common Stock

469.95  -65.05 (-12.16%)


NYSE:WSO.B (1/6/2025, 8:09:02 PM)


-65.05 (-12.16%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorIndustrials
GICS IndustryTrading Companies & Distributors
GICS SubIndustryTrading Companies & Distributors
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-2.99%
Sales Q2Q%1.56%
6 Month100.41%
Earnings (Last)10-23 2024-10-23/bmo
Earnings (Next)02-11 2025-02-11/amc
Ins OwnersN/A
Inst Owners0.05%
Market Cap21.58B
Fwd PE31.34
Dividend Yield1.95%
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
IPO06-16 1994-06-16
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Company Profile

Watsco, Inc. engages in the distribution of air conditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment, and related parts and supplies. The company is headquartered in Coconut Grove, Florida and currently employs 7,350 full-time employees. The firm sells products to the commercial refrigeration market, which include condensing units, compressors, evaporators, valves, refrigerants, walk-in coolers, and ice machines for industrial and commercial applications. The company also sells a variety of non-equipment products including parts, ductwork, air movement products, insulation, tools, installation supplies, thermostats, and air quality products. The company distributes products manufactured by Flexible Technologies, Inc. (Flexible Technologies), Resideo Technologies, Inc. (Resideo), Copeland Corporation, LLC, The Chemours Company (Chemours), Mueller Industries, Inc. (Mueller), and Welbilt, Inc. (Welbilt), among others. The firm operates in approximately 692 locations.

Company Info


Ste 901, 2665 S Bayshore Dr

Coconut Grove FLORIDA 33133

P: 13057144100

CEO: Albert H. Nahmad

Employees: 7388

Website: https://www.watsco.com/

WSO.B News

ChartMill News Image2 days ago - ChartmillExploring WATSCO INC -CL B (NYSE:WSO.B)s quality characteristics.

Why the quality investor may take a look at WATSCO INC -CL B (NYSE:WSO.B).

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