US9134831034 - Common Stock

10.72  -0.17 (-1.56%)


NASDAQ:UEIC (1/3/2025, 8:07:41 PM)


-0.17 (-1.56%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Discretionary
GICS IndustryHousehold Durables
GICS SubIndustryConsumer Electronics
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%25%
Sales Q2Q%-4.69%
6 Month-5.3%
Earnings (Last)11-07 2024-11-07/amc
Earnings (Next)02-13 2025-02-13/amc
Ins Owners5.24%
Inst Owners68.89%
Market Cap139.68M
Fwd PE20.91
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %1.02%
Short Ratio1.94
IPO02-12 1993-02-12
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Company Profile

Universal Electronics, Inc. engages in the design, development, and trade of control and sensor technology solutions. The company is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona and currently employs 4,177 full-time employees. The firm designs, develops, manufactures, ships, and supports control and sensor technology solutions and a broad line of universal control systems, audio-video (AV) accessories, wireless security and smart home products that are used by brands in the video services, consumer electronics, security, home automation, climate control and home appliance markets. The Company’s flagship solution, QuickSet (QuickSet), is a software application that can be embedded in any entertainment or smart home platform or can be delivered as a cloud-based service, through QuickSet Cloud, to enable universal device setup, interoperability and control. Its product and technology include voice-enabled, automatically programmed universal, two-way radio frequency (RF) as well as infrared (IR) remote controls, and more.

Company Info


15147 N Scottsdale Rd Ste H300

Scottsdale ARIZONA 85254

P: 14805303000

CEO: Paul D. Arling

Employees: 4177

Website: https://www.uei.com/

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