US9043111072 - Common Stock

8.28  +0.07 (+0.85%)

After market: 8.2501 -0.03 (-0.36%)


NYSE:UAA (12/31/2024, 8:04:00 PM)

After market: 8.2501 -0.03 (-0.36%)


+0.07 (+0.85%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Discretionary
GICS IndustryTextiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods
GICS SubIndustryApparel, Accessories & Luxury Goods
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%25%
Sales Q2Q%-10.7%
6 Month29.38%
Earnings (Last)11-07 2024-11-07/bmo
Earnings (Next)02-06 2025-02-06/amc
Ins Owners0.17%
Inst Owners91.33%
Market Cap3.58B
Fwd PE20.45
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %16.05%
Short Ratio2.97
IPO11-18 2005-11-18
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Company Profile

Under Armour, Inc. engages in the development, marketing, and distribution of branded performance apparel, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and youth. The company is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland and currently employs 6,800 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2005-11-18. The company is engaged in developing, marketing and distributing branded performance apparel, footwear and accessories for men, women and youth. The company operates in four geographic segments: North America, comprising the United States and Canada; Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA); Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. The company sells its apparel, footwear and accessories in North America through wholesale and direct-to-consumer channels. The company sells its apparel, footwear and accessories in EMEA primarily through wholesale customers and independent distributors, along with e-commerce websites and Brand and Factory House stores. The company sells its apparel, footwear and accessories products in China, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand through stores operated by its distribution and wholesale partners, along with e-commerce websites and Brand and Factory House stores.

Company Info


1020 Hull Street, 3rd Floor

Baltimore MARYLAND 21230

P: 14104546758

CEO: Patrik Frisk

Employees: 10613

Website: https://www.underarmour.com/

UAA News

News Image3 days ago - Market News VideoUnder Armour Breaks Below 200-Day Moving Average - Notable for UA
News Image9 days ago - Market News VideoUnder Armour is Now Oversold (UAA)
News Image9 days ago - Market News VideoUnder Armour is Now Oversold (UA)
News Image9 days ago - Zacks Investment ResearchUnder Armour (UAA) Upgraded to Strong Buy: Here's Why

Under Armour (UAA) has been upgraded to a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy), reflecting growing optimism about the company's earnings prospects. This might drive the stock higher in the near term.

News Image9 days ago - Zacks Investment ResearchUnder Armour Stock on Path to Sustained Growth: Key Insights

UAA's streamlined product lineup, selective promotions, global expansion and loyalty program are driving profitability and building long-term brand equity.

News Image13 days ago - CNBCCramer's Lightning Round: Wells Fargo is a buy

"Mad Money" host Jim Cramer rings the lightning round bell, which means he's giving his answers to callers' stock questions at rapid speed.

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