US88160R1014 - Common Stock

383.8  +11.1 (+2.98%)


FRA:TL0 (1/3/2025, 7:00:00 PM)


+11.1 (+2.98%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Discretionary
GICS IndustryAutomobiles
GICS SubIndustryAutomobile Manufacturers
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%9.09%
Sales Q2Q%7.85%
6 Month67.01%
Earnings (Last)10-23 2024-10-23/amc
Earnings (Next)01-29 2025-01-29/amc
Ins Owners12.92%
Inst Owners47.13%
Market Cap1232.02B
Fwd PE117.72
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
IPO03-06 2013-03-06
TL0 Daily chart

Company Profile

Tesla, Inc. engages in the design, development, manufacture, and sale of electric vehicles and energy generation and storage systems. The company is headquartered in Austin, Texas and currently employs 140,473 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2013-03-06. The firm's segments include automotive, and energy generation and storage. The automotive segment includes the design, development, manufacturing, sales and leasing of high-performance fully electric vehicles, and sales of automotive regulatory credits. The company also includes sales of used vehicles, non-warranty after-sales vehicle services, body shop and parts, paid supercharging, vehicle insurance and retail merchandise. Its consumer vehicles include the Model 3, Y, S, X and Cybertruck. The energy generation and storage segment includes the design, manufacture, installation, sales and leasing of solar energy generation and energy storage products and related services and sales of solar energy systems incentives. Its lithium-ion battery energy storage products include Powerwall and Megapack.

Company Info


1 Tesla Road

Austin TEXAS

P: 15125168177

Employees: 140473

Website: https://www.tesla.com/

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