US83193D2036 - Common Stock

3.01  +0.01 (+0.33%)

Premarket: 3.2 +0.19 (+6.31%)


NASDAQ:SMTK (1/8/2025, 8:00:01 PM)

Premarket: 3.2 +0.19 (+6.31%)


+0.01 (+0.33%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorInformation Technology
GICS IndustrySemiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment
GICS SubIndustrySemiconductors
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%51.65%
Sales Q2Q%-100%
6 Month-47.84%
Earnings (Last)N/A N/A
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins Owners5.03%
Inst Owners21.37%
Market Cap10.20M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %4.3%
Short Ratio0.18
IPO07-07 2021-07-07
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Company Profile

SmartKem, Inc. engages in the development of materials and processes used to make organic thin-film transistors for the manufacture of flexible electronic. The Company’s patented TRUFLEX semiconductor and dielectric inks, or electronic polymers, are used to make transistors. Its inks enable low temperature printing processes, which are compatible with existing manufacturing infrastructure to deliver displays. The firm's electronic polymer platform can be used in various display technologies, including micro-light-emitting diode (LED), mini-LED and active-matrix organic LED displays for televisions, laptops, augmented reality and virtual reality headsets, smartwatches, and smartphones. Its research and development facility is located in Manchester, United Kingdom, and semiconductor manufacturing processes at Sedgefield, United Kingdom and retains a field application office in Taiwan. The firm has an intellectual property portfolio, including 125 granted patents across 19 patent families and 40 codified trade secrets.

Company Info


Manchester Technology Center, Hexagon Tower, Delaunays Road, Blackley, Blackley


P: 441617211514

Employees: 29



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