US7501021056 - Common Stock
Pledge highlights Rackspace dedication to supporting those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families...
Amar Maletira, Chief Executive Officer, to Participate in a Fireside Chat
Amar Maletira, Chief Executive Officer, to Participate in a Fireside Chat...
Dank der zentralen Integration hybrider Cloud-Informationen verbessert sich die Beobachtbarkeit, Effizienz der Lizenzierung und Sicherheitsüberwachung in...
New offering integrates hybrid cloud information in a centralized location to improve observability, licensing efficiency, and security monitoring across workloads
New offering integrates hybrid cloud information in a centralized location to improve observability, licensing efficiency, and security monitoring across...
Robustes Design und Migration demonstrieren das Fachwissen in Bezug auf Epic, die führende Rolle im Bereich von privaten Clouds und die Innovation von...
Robust design and migration demonstrate Rackspace’s Epic subject matter expertise, private cloud leadership, and innovation SAN ANTONIO, Tx., Nov. 14,...
Leading digital transformation agency strengthens its position in the government services sector with Rackspace Sovereign Government Cloud collaboration...
Revenue of $676 million in the Third Quarter, down 8% Year-over-YearPrivate Cloud Revenue was $258 million, down 14% Year-over-YearPublic Cloud Revenue was...
SAN ANTONIO, Nov. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT), ein führendes Unternehmen für Hybrid-, Multicloud- und...
SAN ANTONIO, Nov. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading hybrid, multicloud, and AI technology services company,...
GPUaaS bietet Kunden bei Bedarf Zugriff auf leistungsstarke, beschleunigte Ressourcen für KI, maschinelles Lernen, Datenanalysen und...
GPUaaS provides customers on-demand access to powerful accelerated resources for AI, machine learning, data analytics, and graphics rendering workloads
GPUaaS provides customers on-demand access to powerful accelerated resources for AI, machine learning, data analytics, and graphics rendering workloads...
Die Vereinbarung erweitert die bestehende, auf Geschäftsergebnisse ausgerichtete Zusammenarbeit durch die Bereitstellung umfassender Cloud- und KI-Services...
Agreement enhances existing collaboration aligned to business outcomes by delivering full-stack cloud and AI services globally...
Rackspace unterstützt kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit maßgeschneiderten AWS-Lösungen, um ihr Wachstum und ihre Innovationsfähigkeit zu fördern...
Rackspace empowers small and medium-sized businesses with customized AWS solutions to accelerate growth and innovation
Rackspace empowers small and medium-sized businesses with customized AWS solutions to accelerate growth and innovation...
Rackspace wird für das Angebot einer der ausgereiftesten Technologien und seine hervorragend ausgebildeten Mitarbeiter anerkannt...
SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT)— a leading hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company, today...
Rackspace is noted for offering one of the most mature technologies and talent assets
Rackspace is noted for offering one of the most mature technologies and talent assets...
Die Nachfrage nach Kostenkontrolle, flexibler offener Infrastruktur und Hybrid-Cloud hat OpenStack zu neuem Aufschwung verholfen...
OpenStack resurgence fueled by demand for cost control, flexible open infrastructure, and hybrid cloud
OpenStack resurgence fueled by demand for cost control, flexible open infrastructure, and hybrid cloud...
Das Angebot beinhaltet umfassende Dienstleistungen, einschließlich Migrationsplanung, Landing Zone, Migration und Day-Two-Cloud-Betrieb mit Überwachung...
Offer includes all-encompassing services including migration planning, landing zone, migration, and Day Two Cloud Operations with 24x7x365 monitoring and incident response
Offer includes all-encompassing services including migration planning, landing zone, migration, and Day Two Cloud Operations with 24x7x365 monitoring and...
Die CAS nutzt eine aktualisierte, unternehmenskritische Private-Cloud-Umgebung zur Unterstützung modernster, lebensrettender, chemiebezogener und...
CAS leverages upgraded mission-critical private cloud environment to support cutting-edge, lifesaving, chemistry-related, and life-science research SAN...
Rackspace Lab Services vereint Broadcom VMware Lab-Plattform und Rackspace SDDC Flex zu einer innovativen Cloud-Lösung, die Unternehmen weltweit...