US29350E1047 - Common Stock

0.926  +0.16 (+21.35%)

After market: 0.98 +0.05 (+5.83%)


NASDAQ:RENB (1/3/2025, 8:00:01 PM)

After market: 0.98 +0.05 (+5.83%)


+0.16 (+21.35%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorHealth Care
GICS IndustryBiotechnology
GICS SubIndustryBiotechnology
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-101.7%
Sales Q2Q%N/A
6 Month-42.12%
Earnings (Last)11-12 2024-11-12/amc
Earnings (Next)02-12 2025-02-12
Ins Owners12.12%
Inst Owners9.68%
Market Cap146.97M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %5%
Short Ratio4.24
IPO11-18 2014-11-18
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Company Profile

Renovaro, Inc. is a pre-clinical stage biotechnology company, which engages in the development of genetically modified cellular and immune-therapy technologies used for the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer. The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, California and currently employs 25 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2014-11-18. The firm operates through two subsidiaries: Renovaro Biosciences, Inc. (Renovaro Biosciences) and Renovaro Cube. Renovaro Biosciences is a biotechnology company intending to develop advanced allogeneic cell and gene therapies to promote stronger immune system responses potentially for long-term or life-long cancer remission in some of the deadliest cancers, and potentially to treat or cure serious infectious diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections. Renovaro Cube is an AI-driven healthcare technology company focusing on the earliest possible detection of cancer and its recurrence. Renovaro Cube has developed an AI platform that analyzes genetics using Explainable AI to provide earlier and more accurate cancer diagnosis. This platform uses a multi-omics approach to search for individual biomarkers that are present even in asymptomatic patients.

Company Info


Century City Medical Plaza, 2080 Century City East, Suite 906


P: 14539179840

Employees: 25



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