TSX-V:PWRO - TSX Venture Exchange - CA73930V1031 - Common Stock - Currency: CAD
TSX-V:PWRO (3/6/2025, 7:00:00 PM)
0 (0%)
The current stock price of PWRO.CA is 0.02 CAD.
Power-One Resources Corp. engages in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. The company went IPO on 2024-01-18. The Company’s two mineral properties include the Pecors Property and the Wicheeda North Property. The Pecors Property is located about 115 kilometers (km) west of Sudbury and about 16 km east of Elliot Lake, Ontario. The company is prospective for copper, nickel and platinum group element (PGE) mineralization. The Wicheeda North Property is located about 80 km due north of the city of Prince George and 60 km east of the community of Bear Lake, British Columbia. The company is prospective for rare earth element (REE) mineralization. The Wicheeda North Property has approximately 1,444 hectares (ha) of claims in the Cariboo Mining Division, British Columbia, with the claim block adjoining the Defense Metals Corp.
Suite 1100-1111 Melville St. Nelson Street
Employees: 0
Company Website: https://p1rc.com/
Investor Relations: http://p1rc.com/investor-deck/
Phone: 16047161036
The current stock price of PWRO.CA is 0.02 CAD.
The exchange symbol of POWER ONE RESOURCES CORP is PWRO and it is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange exchange.
PWRO.CA stock is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange exchange.
POWER ONE RESOURCES CORP (PWRO.CA) has a market capitalization of 664.40K CAD. This makes PWRO.CA a Nano Cap stock.
POWER ONE RESOURCES CORP (PWRO.CA) currently has 0 employees.
POWER ONE RESOURCES CORP (PWRO.CA) has a support level at 0.01 and a resistance level at 0.02. Check the full technical report for a detailed analysis of PWRO.CA support and resistance levels.
There is no straightforward answer here. It depends on your investment strategy as different types of investors will look at different aspects. In any case it is important to make an informed decision and these pages can help you forming an opinion:
PWRO.CA does not pay a dividend.
ChartMill assigns a fundamental rating of 2 / 10 to PWRO.CA. While PWRO.CA seems to be doing ok healthwise, there are quite some concerns on its profitability.
Industry Rank | Sector Rank | ||
PM (TTM) | N/A | ||
ROA | -4.58% | ||
ROE | -5.08% | ||
Debt/Equity | 0 |