CA73934B4001 - Common Stock

0.12  -0.01 (-4%)


TSX-V:PBX (11/22/2024, 7:00:00 PM)


-0.01 (-4%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryConsumer Finance
GICS SubIndustryConsumer Finance
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%104.71%
Sales Q2Q%8.97%
6 Month84.62%
Earnings (Last)11-21 2024-11-21
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins OwnersN/A
Inst Owners1.91%
Market Cap80.09M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
IPO03-07 2013-03-07
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Company Profile

AmeriTrust Financial Technologies Inc is a CA-based company operating in Consumer Finance industry. The company is headquartered in Burlington, Ontario. The company went IPO on 2013-03-07. AmeriTrust Financial Technologies Inc., formerly PowerBand Solutions Inc., is a Canada-based financial technology (fintech) provider in the automotive industry. Its integrated, cloud-based transaction platform facilitates transactions amongst consumers, dealers, and funders. The firm has commercialized a Fintech automotive-based software platform that specializes in auto leasing and is the operator of Drivrz Financial, a financing marketplace enabling lenders and consumers to finance vehicles in the United States. Drivrz Financial platform offers a leasing alternative for used vehicles through its technology and lease structure. The Company’s transaction platform is being made available across the United States of America. The business units operated by the Company is Drivrz Financial Holdings LLC (DrivrzFinancial), D2D Auto Auction LLC (DrivrzXchange), and IntellaCar Solutions LLC (DrivrzLane).

Company Info


1100 Burloak Drive, Suite 300

Burlington ONTARIO L7N 3N2

P: 18667687653

CEO: Kelly Jennings

Employees: 14

Website: https://www.powerbandsolutions.com/

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