US68989M2026 - Common Stock

14.64  +2.29 (+18.54%)

After market: 14.5999 -0.04 (-0.27%)


NASDAQ:OUST (1/3/2025, 8:00:02 PM)

After market: 14.5999 -0.04 (-0.27%)


+2.29 (+18.54%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorInformation Technology
GICS IndustryElectronic Equipment, Instruments & Components
GICS SubIndustryElectronic Equipment & Instruments
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%39.33%
Sales Q2Q%26.41%
6 Month52.66%
Earnings (Last)11-07 2024-11-07/amc
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins Owners5.27%
Inst Owners38.39%
Market Cap728.63M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %9.6%
Short Ratio3.02
IPO10-09 2020-10-09
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Company Profile

Ouster, Inc. engages in the provision of high resolution digital lidar sensors that offer advanced 3D vision to machinery, vehicles, robots, and fixed infrastructure assets. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, California and currently employs 290 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2020-10-09. Its products include high-resolution scanning and solid-state digital lidar sensors, analog lidar sensors, and software solutions. The company offers high-resolution digital lidar sensors that offer advanced three-dimensional (3D) vision to machinery, vehicles, robots, and fixed infrastructure assets, which allows each to understand and visualize the surrounding world and enable safe operation and autonomy. The company also offers perception software platforms for smart infrastructure deployments. Its digital lidar sensors leverage a simplified architecture based on two semiconductor chips. Its software enables real-time people and object detection, classification, and tracking for actionable, intuitive, and customizable insights while preserving personally identifiable information.

Company Info


350 Treat Avenue

San Francisco CALIFORNIA 33401

P: 14159876972

CEO: Anna Brunelle

Employees: 290

Website: https://ouster.com/

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