US68373M1071 - ADR

18.86  -0.08 (-0.42%)


NASDAQ:OPRA (1/2/2025, 1:15:40 PM)


-0.08 (-0.42%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorInformation Technology
GICS IndustrySoftware
GICS SubIndustryApplication Software
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%44.44%
Sales Q2Q%20.04%
6 Month46.71%
Earnings (Last)10-29 2024-10-29/bmo
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins OwnersN/A
Inst Owners9.93%
Market Cap1.67B
Fwd PE15.92
Dividend Yield4.04%
Short Float %1.88%
Short Ratio2.64
IPO07-27 2018-07-27
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Company Profile

Opera Ltd. engages in the provision of web browsers through its subsidiaries. The company is headquartered in Oslo, Oslo and currently employs 592 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2018-07-27. The firm operates as provider of browser and integrated artificial intelligence (AI)-driven digital content discovery and recommendation platforms. The Company’s operations are comprised of search, advertising, technology licensing and other. The search revenue is generated when a user conducts a qualified search using an Opera search partner. The advertising revenue is comprised of industry-standard advertising units, predefined partner bookmarks, or speed dials, and subscriptions of various promoted services. Technology licensing and other revenues include revenues from device manufacturers and mobile communications operators. Licensing agreements include licensing of technology, related professional services, maintenance and support, as well as hosting services.

Company Info


Vitaminveien 4

Oslo OSLO 0484

P: 4723692400

CEO: Yahui Zhou

Employees: 592

Website: https://www.opera.com/


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