US7561091049 - REIT

52.7313  +0.26 (+0.5%)


NYSE:O (1/14/2025, 10:29:08 AM)


+0.26 (+0.5%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorReal Estate
GICS IndustryDiversified REITs
GICS SubIndustryRetail REITs
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-9.09%
Sales Q2Q%28.08%
6 Month-8.87%
Earnings (Last)11-04 2024-11-04/amc
Earnings (Next)02-18 2025-02-18/amc
Ins Owners0.1%
Inst Owners78.71%
Market Cap46.15B
Fwd PE32.62
Dividend Yield6.03%
Short Float %1.68%
Short Ratio2.75
IPO10-18 1994-10-18
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Company Profile

Realty Income Corp. is a real estate company, which engages in generating dependable monthly cash dividends from a consistent and predictable level of cash flow from operations. The company is headquartered in San Diego, California and currently employs 418 full-time employees. The firm is engaged in acquiring and managing freestanding commercial properties that generate rental revenue under long-term net lease agreements with its commercial clients. The company is engaged in a single business activity, which is the leasing of property to clients, generally on a net basis. That business activity spans various geographic boundaries and includes property types and clients engaged in various industries. The firm owns approximately 15,450 properties across 86 different industries leased to over 1,300 different clients throughout all 50 states, as well as Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Ireland, France, Germany and Portugal. Its property types include retail, industrial, gaming and others, such as agriculture and office. Its primary industry concentrations include grocery stores, convenience stores, dollar stores, drug stores, home improvement, restaurants-quick service and others.

Company Info


11995 El Camino Real

San Diego CALIFORNIA 92130

P: 17607412111

CEO: Sumit Roy

Employees: 418


O News

News Imagean hour ago - The Motley FoolI Want to Be an IRA Millionaire by Retirement. Here's How I'm Planning to Get There.
News Image7 hours ago - The Motley Fool2 High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy Now for a Lifetime of Passive Income
News Imagea day ago - The Motley FoolWant $200 in Super-Safe Monthly Dividend Income in 2025? Invest $22,050 Into the Following 3 Ultra-High-Yield Stocks.

These high-octane monthly dividend payers -- sporting an average yield of 10.9% -- have the necessary catalysts to fatten investors' pocketbooks in the new year.

News Image3 days ago - The Motley Fool3 No-Brainer, High-Yield REIT Stocks to Buy With $1,000 Right Now
News Image5 days ago - The Motley Fool2 High-Yield Stocks That Could Be Easy Wealth Builders
News Image5 days ago - Yahoo Finance2 High-Yield Stocks That Could Be Easy Wealth Builders

Dividends, particularly if you reinvest them, can help you build wealth slowly (and easily) over time. This is why investors would be wise to take a closer look at high-yield stocks like Realty Income (NYSE: O) and Vici Properties (NYSE: VICI) right now. Both have characteristics that make them easy wealth builders.

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