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NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) Stock Price, Quote, News and Overview

TSX-V:NXG - TSX Venture Exchange - CA65337X1042 - Common Stock - Currency: CAD

0.25  -0.01 (-1.96%)

NXG.CA Quote, Performance and Key Statistics


TSX-V:NXG (3/4/2025, 7:00:00 PM)


-0.01 (-1.96%)

GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryInsurance
GICS IndustryGroupInsurance
GICS SubIndustryInsurance Brokers
52 Week High0.35
52 Week Low0.18
Market Cap17.78M
Yearly Dividend0.01
Dividend Yield3.88%
Earnings (Next)04-03 2025-04-03
IPO09-14 2006-09-14

NXG.CA short term performance overview.The bars show the price performance of NXG.CA in the last week, last 2 weeks, last month, last 3 and 6 months. 1 week 2 week 1 month 3 months 6 months -2 -4 -6 -8 -10

NXG.CA long term performance overview.The bars show the price performance of NXG.CA in the last 1, 2 and 3 years. 1 year 2 years 3 years -5 -10 -15 -20

The current stock price of NXG.CA is 0.25 CAD. In the past month the price decreased by -13.79%. In the past year, price decreased by -16.67%.

NEXGENRX INC / NXG Daily stock chart

NXG.CA Competitors/Peers

The largest stocks on the Canadian markets in the "Insurance Brokers" sub-industry
Full List

About NXG.CA

Company Profile

NXG logo image NexgenRx, Inc. engages in the provision of administrative services only (ASO) (Self-Funded) drug, dental and extended health benefit plans supported by technology. The company is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. The company went IPO on 2006-09-14. The firm is focused on building technology platforms that equip its clients with unprecedented capabilities for managing and self-managing group benefit plans, group pension plans and patient support programs. The company offers plan sponsors, providers and patient support program/drug manufacturers a full suite of software-as-a-service solutions. The Company’s products include NexSys, NexAdmin, and NexPSPAssist. The NexSys single platform solution simplifies adjudication of dental, prescription drug and extended health claims. Its NexAdmin product enables sponsors to take complete control of benefit plan administration. NexPSPAssist service helps patient support programs (PSP) to optimize their deliverables to their manufacturer clients. Its NexPension is an advanced pension administration solution designed to help sponsors record and tabulate contributions.

Company Info


191 The West Mall, Suite 905


CEO: Ronald Loucks

Employees: 20

Company Website: https://www.nexgenrx.com/

Investor Relations: http://en.nexgenrx.com/investor-relations

Phone: 14166953393


What is the stock price of NEXGENRX INC today?

The current stock price of NXG.CA is 0.25 CAD. The price decreased by -1.96% in the last trading session.

What is the ticker symbol for NEXGENRX INC stock?

The exchange symbol of NEXGENRX INC is NXG and it is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange exchange.

On which exchange is NXG.CA stock listed?

NXG.CA stock is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange exchange.

What is NEXGENRX INC worth?

NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) has a market capitalization of 17.78M CAD. This makes NXG.CA a Nano Cap stock.

How many employees does NEXGENRX INC have?

NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) currently has 20 employees.

What are the support and resistance levels for NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) stock?

NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) has a support level at 0.24 and a resistance level at 0.25. Check the full technical report for a detailed analysis of NXG.CA support and resistance levels.

Should I buy NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) stock?

There is no straightforward answer here. It depends on your investment strategy as different types of investors will look at different aspects. In any case it is important to make an informed decision and these pages can help you forming an opinion:

Does NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) stock pay dividends?

NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) has a dividend yield of 3.88%. The yearly dividend amount is currently 0.01. Check the full fundamental report for a detailed analysis of NXG.CA dividend history, reliability and sustainability.

When does NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) report earnings?

NEXGENRX INC (NXG.CA) will report earnings on 2025-04-03.

NXG.CA Technical Analysis

ChartMill assigns a technical rating of 1 / 10 to NXG.CA. When comparing the yearly performance of all stocks, NXG.CA is a bad performer in the overall market: 78.3% of all stocks are doing better.

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating

NXG.CA Fundamental Analysis

ChartMill assigns a fundamental rating of 4 / 10 to NXG.CA. While NXG.CA has a great health rating, there are worries on its profitability.

Chartmill FA Analysis

NXG.CA Financial Highlights

Industry RankSector Rank
PM (TTM) 1.58%
ROA 0.81%
ROE 3.14%
Debt/Equity 0.05
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%205.26%
Sales Q2Q%22.67%
EPS 1Y (TTM)169.57%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)18%

NXG.CA Ownership and Analysts

Inst OwnersN/A
Ins Owners37.21%
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
Price TargetN/A
Revenue Next YearN/A