US67018T1051 - Common Stock

7.53  +0.97 (+14.79%)

After market: 7.36 -0.17 (-2.26%)


NYSE:NUS (1/3/2025, 8:04:00 PM)

After market: 7.36 -0.17 (-2.26%)


+0.97 (+14.79%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Staples
GICS IndustryPersonal Care Products
GICS SubIndustryPersonal Care Products
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-69.64%
Sales Q2Q%-13.76%
6 Month-31.48%
Earnings (Last)11-07 2024-11-07/amc
Earnings (Next)02-12 2025-02-12/amc
Ins Owners1.87%
Inst Owners87.24%
Market Cap374.32M
Fwd PE7.22
Dividend Yield3.66%
Short Float %3.33%
Short Ratio2.05
IPO11-22 1996-11-22
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Company Profile

Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. is a holding company, which engages in the development and distribution of beauty and wellness solutions. The company is headquartered in Provo, Utah and currently employs 3,700 full-time employees. The firm develops and distributes a comprehensive line of beauty and wellness solutions in approximately 50 markets worldwide. The firm has three brands, Nu Skin, a beauty brand; Pharmanex, a wellness brand; and ageLOC, an anti-aging brand. The company develops and distributes products in two categories, beauty products and wellness products. The firm operates through seven segments: Mainland China; South Korea; Southeast Asia/Pacific, which includes Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand and other markets; Americas, which includes Canada, Latin America and the United States; Japan; Hong Kong/Taiwan, which also includes Macau; and Europe, Middle East and Africa, which includes markets in Europe, as well as Israel and South Africa. The Company’s Rhyz strategic investment arm also includes two additional segments: Manufacturing and Rhyz other.

Company Info


Attn: D. Matthew Dorny, 75 West Center St

Provo UTAH 84601

P: 18013456100

CEO: Ritch N. Wood

Employees: 3700


NUS News

News Image2 days ago - Yahoo FinanceWhy Is Nu Skin Enterprises Stock Jumping Today?

Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:NUS) saw its shares rise on Friday following the announcement of a strategic transaction by its Rhyz Inc. subsidiary. Rhyz has sold its Mavely affiliate marketing technology platform to Later, a portfolio company of Summit Partners, for approximately $250 million in cash and a minority equity stake in the combined Later/Mavely business. The deal, which also includes $33 million to be paid to other equity holders in the Mavely business, is part of Nu Skin’s broader

News Image2 days ago - Nu Skin Enterprises Inc.Nu Skin Enterprises Announces Strategic Transaction of Mavely for $250 Million
News Image2 days ago - LATERLater Acquires Mavely for $250 Million, Unlocking New Opportunities for Marketers and Creators to Maximize their Return on Social

/PRNewswire/ -- Later, a leader in influencer marketing and social media management software and services, today announced its acquisition of Mavely, the...

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