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NANO LABS LTD-CL A (NA) Stock Income Statement

NASDAQ:NA - Nasdaq - KYG6391Y1281 - Common Stock - Currency: USD

6.66  -0.04 (-0.6%)

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NA Revenue ChartNA Revenue over time chart
Minority Interest Expense
NA Minority Interest Expense ChartNA Minority Interest Expense over time chart
Cost Of Goods
NA Cost Of Goods ChartNA Cost Of Goods over time chart
Gross Profit
NA Gross Profit ChartNA Gross Profit over time chart
Operating Expenses
NA Operating Expenses ChartNA Operating Expenses over time chart
Research and Development
NA Research and Development ChartNA Research and Development over time chart
Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses
NA Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses ChartNA Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses over time chart
Operating Income
NA Operating Income ChartNA Operating Income over time chart
Interest Income/Expense
NA Interest Income/Expense ChartNA Interest Income/Expense over time chart
Other Income/Expense
NA Other Income/Expense ChartNA Other Income/Expense over time chart
Income Before Taxes
NA Income Before Taxes ChartNA Income Before Taxes over time chart
Income Tax
NA Income Tax ChartNA Income Tax over time chart
Net Income
NA Net Income ChartNA Net Income over time chart
NA EBITDA ChartNA EBITDA over time chart
Per Share Data
EPS Diluted Total Ops
NA EPS Diluted Total Ops ChartNA EPS Diluted Total Ops over time chart
Gross Profit Margin
NA Gross Profit Margin ChartNA Gross Profit Margin over time chart
Profit Margin
NA Profit Margin ChartNA Profit Margin over time chart
Operating Profit Margin
NA Operating Profit Margin ChartNA Operating Profit Margin over time chart

All data in CNY


NA Income Statement data chartNA Revenue, Operating Income, Net Income and EBITDA ChartIncome Statements 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 200M -200M 400M 600M 800M
NA Earnings Per Share (EPS) chartNA EPS Diluted and non-GAAP ChartEarnings Per Share 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 -2 -4 -6