FR0000051070 - Common Stock
EPA:MAU (1/14/2025, 7:00:00 PM)
+0.09 (+1.46%)
Établissements Maurel & Prom SA is an oil and gas exploration and production company. The company is headquartered in Paris, Ile-De-France and currently employs 760 full-time employees. The firm is an independent oil company specialized in the extraction and production of hydrocarbons. Its activities are split into two segments: Production and Drilling. The Production segment focuses on the production of hydrocarbons in Gabon (oil) and Tanzania (gas). The Drilling segment is largely conducted by Caroil, its wholly owned subsidiary, which owns a fleet of eight drilling rigs outright and has an additional rig under management. Maurel & Prom also directly owns a drilling rig in Colombia. The firm operates its business mainly in Africa, through the exploitation of already developed onshore assets (in Gabon and Tanzania) and through Seplat, in Nigeria. The company is controlled by Pertamina Internasional Eksplorasi dan Produksi PT.
51 rue d'Anjou
P: 33153831600
Employees: 760
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