US5370081045 - Common Stock

237.13  +1.48 (+0.63%)


NASDAQ:LFUS (1/2/2025, 11:55:42 AM)


+1.48 (+0.63%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorInformation Technology
GICS IndustryElectronic Equipment, Instruments & Components
GICS SubIndustryElectronic Components
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-8.75%
Sales Q2Q%-6.54%
6 Month-5.52%
Earnings (Last)10-29 2024-10-29/amc
Earnings (Next)01-28 2025-01-28/amc
Ins Owners0.91%
Inst Owners100.72%
Market Cap5.88B
Fwd PE22.8
Dividend Yield1.17%
Short Float %1.17%
Short Ratio2.67
IPO09-22 1992-09-22
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Company Profile

Littelfuse, Inc. is an industrial technology manufacturing company, which engages in the business of designing, manufacturing, and selling electronic components, modules, and subassemblies to empower the long-term secular growth themes of sustainability, connectivity, and safety. The company is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois and currently employs 17,000 full-time employees. The company designs, manufactures, and sells electronic components, modules, and subassemblies throughout the world. Its segments include Electronics, Transportation and Industrial. Its Electronics segment consists of product offerings in the industry, including fuses and fuse accessories, positive temperature coefficient (PTC) resettable fuses and polymer electrostatic discharge (ESD); semiconductor products, such as discrete transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diodes, silicon and silicon carbide metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors and diodes, and insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) technologies. Its Transportation segment consists of circuit protection, power control and sensing technologies for global original equipment manufacturers. Its Industrial Segment consists of industrial circuit protection (industrial fuse), industrial controls (protection relay, contactors, transformers) and temperature sensors.

Company Info


8755 W Higgins Rd

Chicago ILLINOIS 60631

P: 17736281000

CEO: David W. Heinzmann

Employees: 17000


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