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TSX-V:KGS - TSX Venture Exchange - CA4957802073 - Common Stock - Currency: CAD

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KGS.CA Latest News, Press Relases and Analysis

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Examines Indicators for Larger Porphyry System & Looks Ahead to Phase II Drilling Program

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 16, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. ("Kingman" or the "Company") (TSX.V:KGS)(FSE:47A1) is pleased to announce the completion of the Phase I Drilling Program and report the receipt of assays for borehole MH-05. The Phase I Drilling Program completed a total 2552.5 feet (778 meters) of diamond core drilling which provides a fresh catalog of modern drill core for data collection and a significant

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Minerals Ltd Reports Significant Sulfide Breccias and High-Grade Gold and Silver Results from Borehole MH-04 From the Mohave Project, Kingman, AZ, USA

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 9, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. ("Kingman" or the "Company") (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) is pleased to announce the receipt of assays for borehole MH-04 which completed at a depth of 882 ft (268.9 m) and an angle of -70 degrees to horizontal during its Phase I Drilling Program at the Company's flagship Mohave Gold Project located near Kingman, Arizona, USA. The Phase I Drilling Program consisted

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Assays Hole MH-03: Confirming Historical Data, High Grade Interval of 44.7 g/t Gold & 190 g/t Silver from 268-269 ft (82.7-83.0 m)

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 7, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. ("Kingman" or the "Company") (TSXV:KGS)(FSE: 47A1) is pleased to announce that the Company MH-03 was completed at a total depth of 457 ft (139.2 m). It was drilled at an angle of -60 degrees to horizontal. It contained two incredibly significant mineralized intercepts, both of which were adjacent to and on either side of the rhyolite dike, as anticipated from

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Assays Hole MH-02: Intersecting 2 Mineralized Veins & Confirming Historic Data 94.5 g/t Gold AND 40.2 g/t Silver over 1ft (0.3 m)

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 1, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. ("Kingman" or the "Company") (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) is pleased to announce that the receipt of assays for borehole MH-02 which completed at a depth of 806 ft (345.7 m). The hole was angled at -70 degrees to horizontal so that it would pass through the two veins beneath the 250-foot level of the mine workings. The first intersection was encountered at 272-276 ft

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Completes Hole MH-05 at Depth of 449.5 FT (137 M): Intersects 1st Vein and Discovers More Unmapped Historic Workings

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 30, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that core hole MH-05 was drilled at a -60 degree angle for a length of 449.5 feet (137.0 m). It intersected the first vein on the east side of the rhyolite dike from 391.6 to 395.0 feet (119.4 to 120.4 m). The second vein, on the west side of the rhyolite was not intersected because the

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Assays Hole MH-01: Intersecting 2 Mineralized Veins & Confirming Historical Data, 15.2g/t Gold Over 1.3ft (0.4 m) and 320 g/t Silver

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 26, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V:KGS) (FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company completed MH-01 at a depth of 225 ft (68.6m). Core hole MH-01 was drilled to intersect the two veins that were mined primarily in the 1930s for gold and silver. The hole was angled at -45 degrees to horizontal so that it would pass through the two veins between the 100-

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Completes Hole MH-04 at Depth of 726 ft (221 m): Encounters over 100 ft (30 m) of Alteration

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 24, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that core hole MH-04 was drilled at an angle of -70 degrees to intersect the two veins at depth, below the historic mine workings. The hole reached a total depth of 726 feet (221.3 meters). It successfully reached the upper portion of the target zone at a depth between 365 and 383 feet

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Drills Hole MH-04 in Historic Mine Area: Reaches Upper Portion of Target Zone

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 19, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company is drilling MH-04 which at a -70° angle and successfully reached the upper portion of the target zone at a depth between 365 and 383 feet (110.6 and 116.7 m). It passed through a strongly altered and partlyoxidized zone, typically coincident with gold mineralization.

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Permits Phase 2 Drill Program on Past Producing Mohave Project and Applies for US OTCQB Listing

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 17, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has submitted a new permit application to the Kingman Field Office of the Arizona Bureau of Land Management for a Phase II drill program to be conducted on the Mohave Project near Kingman Arizona. The Mohave Project is comprised of 71 lode claims including the historic

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Completes Hole MH-03 @ 346 ft (105.5 m) In Rosebud Mine Area Successfully Intersecting Two Mineralized Veins

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 12, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V:KGS) (FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company completed MH-03 which was drilled at a -60° angle and reached a depth of 346 feet (105.5 m). It passed through 272 ft (82.9 m) of the quartz diorite gneiss, which is the "country rock" in this region. It then entered a short 2 ft zone with sulfide

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Drills Mohave Project and Past Producer Rosebud Mine: Hole MH-01 Favourable Rhyolites

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 10, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that Kingman continues to drill the Mohave Project in the Rosebud Mine area. MH-03 is being drilled at an angle of -60 degrees and is expected to intersect mineralized veins on either side of a rhyolite dike. The veins are to be intersected below the lowest (250-foot) level of the

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Drills Mohave Project and Past Producing Rosebud Mine Area: Hole MH-02 Completed

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 5, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of Hole MH-02 at a depth of 806 ft and an angle of -70° drilled in the Rosebud Mine area of the Mohave Project. The Mohave Project (the "Project") is located in the Music Mountains in Mohave County, Arizona and is comprised of 71 lode claims which are inclusive

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Drills Mohave Project and Past Producing Rosebud Mine Area: Hole MH-02

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 3, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V:KGS) (FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that Kingman is continuing to drill the Mohave Project in the Rosebud Mine area. The five core holes are proposed to various directional depths within a southeast to northwest trend focused on historic exploration data effectively exploring two federal lode claims for metallic

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Completes Hole MH-01 @ 225 ft in Rosebud Mine Area Intersecting 2 Mineralized Veins

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 26, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company completed MH-01 at a depth of 225 ft (68.6m). Core hole MH-01 was intended to intersect the two veins that were mined primarily in the 1930s for gold and silver. The hole was angled at -45 degrees to horizontal so that it would pass through the two veins between the

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Drills Mohave Project and Past Producing Rosebud Mine Area: Hole MH-01 Underway

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 24, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that with final permits in place, Kingman has commenced drilling the Mohave Project in the Rosebud Mine area. Kingman will complete five exploration directional core holes from three pads with the intention of gaining maximum information while minimizing surface disturbance. The five

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Receives Permits and Commences Phase 1 Drill Program on Past Producing Mohave Project

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 18, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has received final permits and has commenced complete the Phase I Drill Program on the Mohave Project. A total of 5 holes will be drilled to a maximum depth of 890ft. This phase of drilling in the vicinity of the historic past producing Rosebud Mine was designed to

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Minerals Inc. Commissions Godbe Drilling to Complete Phase 1 Program on Mohave Project

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 11, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS) (FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has engaged Godbe Drilling of Montrose, Colorado to complete the Phase I Drill Program on the Mohave Project. A total of 5 holes will be drilled to a maximum depth of 890ft. Godbe Drilling is a family-owned diamond core drilling company established in 1994, with the

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4 years ago - Kingman Minerals Ltd.

Kingman Commissions Burgex Consultants to Complete 3D Laser Scan & Aerial Drone Survey of Rosebud Project

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 9, 2021 / Kingman Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:KGS)(FSE:47A1) ("Kingman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company engaged Burgex Mining Consultants ("Burgex") of Sandy, Utah to complete a 3D laser scan and aerial drone survey of the Mohave Project in preparation for the upcoming Phase I drill campaign. Burgex provides a comprehensive suite of mining consulting services

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5 years ago - Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) - Halts/Resumptions

IIROC Trading Resumption - KGS

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5 years ago - Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) - Halts/Resumptions

IIROC Trading Halt - KGS