US45073V1089 - Common Stock

141.84  -1.04 (-0.73%)


NYSE:ITT (1/2/2025, 3:04:52 PM)


-1.04 (-0.73%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorIndustrials
GICS IndustryMachinery
GICS SubIndustryIndustrial Machinery & Supplies & Components
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%6.57%
Sales Q2Q%7.68%
6 Month12.56%
Earnings (Last)10-29 2024-10-29/bmo
Earnings (Next)02-06 2025-02-06/amc
Ins Owners0.52%
Inst Owners91.81%
Market Cap11.56B
Fwd PE21.41
Dividend Yield0.88%
Short Float %1.65%
Short Ratio3.6
IPO12-15 1995-12-15
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Company Profile

ITT, Inc. engages in the manufacture and sale of engineered components and customized technology solutions primarily for the transportation, industrial, and energy markets. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut and currently employs 10,600 full-time employees. Its segments include Motion Technologies (MT), Industrial Process (IP), and Connect & Control Technologies (CCT). The MT segment is focused on the friction braking business, which is a supplier of brake pads for internal combustion engine, hybrid and electric vehicles worldwide. The IP segment manufactures engineered fluid process equipment serving a diversified mix of customers in global industries such as chemical, energy, mining, and other industrial process markets and is a provider of plant optimization and efficiency solutions and aftermarket services and parts. The CCT segment manufactures connector solutions, critical energy absorption, flow control components, and composite materials for the aerospace and defense, general industrial, medical, and energy markets.

Company Info


100 Washington Boulevard, 6th Floor

Stamford CONNECTICUT 10604

P: 19146412000

CEO: Luca Savi

Employees: 10600


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