US45170X2053 - Common Stock

3.77  +0.11 (+3.01%)


NASDAQ:INVE (1/3/2025, 8:00:02 PM)


+0.11 (+3.01%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorInformation Technology
GICS IndustryElectronic Equipment, Instruments & Components
GICS SubIndustryElectronic Equipment & Instruments
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-3900%
Sales Q2Q%-79.49%
6 Month-7.6%
Earnings (Last)11-07 2024-11-07/amc
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins Owners6.62%
Inst Owners58.1%
Market Cap90.07M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %0.58%
Short Ratio1.48
IPO10-07 1997-10-07
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Company Profile

Identiv, Inc. engages in the provision of physical security and secure identification solutions. The company is headquartered in Fremont, California and currently employs 394 full-time employees. The Company’s full-circle radio-frequency identification (RFID)-enabled IoT solutions enable digital identities to physical objects, enhancing global connectivity for businesses, people, and the planet. Built into over 1.5 billion applications worldwide, its IoT solutions are suitable for a multitude of applications across a wide range of end markets, including healthcare, consumer electronics, luxury goods, smart packaging, logistics and warehouse tracking. The firm operates through the IoT Business segment. The firm's specialty RFID IoT devices are attached to or embedded into physical items, providing those items with a unique digital identity. Its offerings range from an IoT connecting cloud to advanced readers and cards, including active and passive Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), NFC, HF, and RAIN RFID UHF.

Company Info


2201 Walnut Avenue, Suite 100

Fremont CALIFORNIA 94538

P: 19492508888

CEO: Steven Humphreys

Employees: 394


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