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HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA) Stock Price, Quote, News and Overview

TSX-V:HEMP - TSX Venture Exchange - CA42371M1041 - Common Stock - Currency: CAD

0.05  0 (-9.09%)

HEMP.CA Quote, Performance and Key Statistics


TSX-V:HEMP (3/7/2025, 7:00:00 PM)


0 (-9.09%)

GICS SectorN/A
GICS IndustryN/A
GICS IndustryGroupN/A
GICS SubIndustryN/A
52 Week HighN/A
52 Week LowN/A
Market Cap4.75M
Yearly DividendN/A
Dividend YieldN/A
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
IPO01-21 2022-01-21

HEMP.CA short term performance overview.The bars show the price performance of HEMP.CA in the last week, last 2 weeks, last month, last 3 and 6 months. 1 week 2 week 1 month 3 months 6 months 0 -20 -40 -60

HEMP.CA long term performance overview.The bars show the price performance of HEMP.CA in the last 1, 2 and 3 years. 1 year 2 years 3 years

The current stock price of HEMP.CA is 0.05 CAD. In the past month the price increased by 11.11%.

HEMPALTA CORP / HEMP Daily stock chart


Company Profile

Hempalta Corp is a CA-based company operating in industry. The company is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. The company went IPO on 2022-01-21. Hempalta Corp. is a Canada-based agricultural technology company. The firm is focused on harnessing the potential of hemp. Its products are made from hemp grown sustainably in Southern Alberta and process the hemp using a HempTrain Advanced Processing Plant at its production facility in Calgary. The company is focused on producing a diverse range of hemp-based commercial and consumer products. Its consumer products include Hemp-Fresco, HempyCat, Animal Bedding, Hemp Garden Mulch, Hemp Pak, and HempZorb. Its commercial products include Bast Fiber, Hurd, Micro Hurd, and Green Microfiber. The firm's consumer products are sold and distributed through various retail channels. The Company, through Hemp Carbon Standard Inc. (HCS), creates and distributes HCS Carbon Certificates across various categories, including regenerative practices, biochar, and biomass burial, certifying the capture and long-term storage of carbon dioxide through sustainable hemp farming practices.

Company Info


1560 Hastings Crescent SE

Calgary ALBERTA V6E 3T5 CA

CEO: Diane Jang

Employees: 0

Company Website: https://www.hempalta.com

Phone: 18776223354


What is the stock price of HEMPALTA CORP today?

The current stock price of HEMP.CA is 0.05 CAD. The price decreased by -9.09% in the last trading session.

What is the ticker symbol for HEMPALTA CORP stock?

The exchange symbol of HEMPALTA CORP is HEMP and it is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange exchange.

On which exchange is HEMP.CA stock listed?

HEMP.CA stock is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange exchange.

What is HEMPALTA CORP worth?

HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA) has a market capitalization of 4.75M CAD. This makes HEMP.CA a Nano Cap stock.

How many employees does HEMPALTA CORP have?

HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA) currently has 0 employees.

What are the support and resistance levels for HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA) stock?

HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA) has a support level at 0.05 and a resistance level at 0.06. Check the full technical report for a detailed analysis of HEMP.CA support and resistance levels.

Should I buy HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA) stock?

There is no straightforward answer here. It depends on your investment strategy as different types of investors will look at different aspects. In any case it is important to make an informed decision and these pages can help you forming an opinion:

Does HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA) stock pay dividends?

HEMP.CA does not pay a dividend.

What is the Price/Earnings (PE) ratio of HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA)?

HEMPALTA CORP (HEMP.CA) does not have a PE ratio as the earnings reported over the last twelve months were negative (-0.2).

HEMP.CA Technical Analysis

ChartMill assigns a technical rating of 3 / 10 to HEMP.CA.

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating

HEMP.CA Fundamental Analysis

ChartMill assigns a fundamental rating of 1 / 10 to HEMP.CA. Both the profitability and financial health of HEMP.CA have multiple concerns.

Chartmill FA Analysis

HEMP.CA Financial Highlights

Over the last trailing twelve months HEMP.CA reported a non-GAAP Earnings per Share(EPS) of -0.2. The EPS decreased by -3720% compared to the year before.

Industry RankSector Rank
ROA -99.77%
ROE -144.13%
Debt/Equity 0.31
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-55333.33%
Sales Q2Q%N/A
EPS 1Y (TTM)-3720%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)N/A

HEMP.CA Ownership and Analysts

Inst OwnersN/A
Ins Owners20.83%
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
Price TargetN/A
Revenue Next YearN/A